
  1. I played on ps3 as well. I hate nearly everyone referees it to Xbox 360 minecraft tho. The 360 want the only console at the time

  2. You are so so so dumb for this. It was by far and EASILY the best console at the time and the most purchased one, the most used one, I had both and the Xbox 360 was clear and the 360 era was clear and everybody agrees and that’s why people talk about it more. Stop being an idiot.

  3. Chanel. That song while cruising at night in GTAO is absolutely unbelievable, Nights is close too, those songs are fucking wonderful in those scenarios

  4. My question is how did you get Higgs on Spotify

  5. Definitely not 2029. Took Insomniac 5 years to make Spider-Man 2 and that was also after Miles Morales, more like mid-late 2026. Won’t take SMS more than 7 years, they’re not Rockstar.

  6. from where and how much was it this shit looks godly

  7. “The markings on your surface, your speckled face”

  8. holy moly, I'd definitely like to see them pyramids someday

  9. Hahahah it’s an unreal experience! They’re so much larger in real life than they appear in pictures. One of the rocks was nearly as tall as me!

  10. Thick? Have you ever held a 4 or a 5/5s? Those things are thinner than the phones we have now

  11. I don’t think I’ve ever had that issue. Might be an OS or hardware problem? Is your phone second hand by chance?

  12. I mean same thing happened to Amber but everyone wanted her gone because Eve is the superior partner

  13. bro is the dark chocolate crusader

  14. That’s why I think it’s a stolen phone. If he was going at 100kp/h it still wouldn’t be that bad.

  15. that thing is completely totalled. might be a stolen phone 🤔

  16. I thought it was a little cheap they hit us with the "fake death" of Shrinking Rae. Dupli-Kate surviving would have felt way more impactful and surprising if we actually thought that they were dead.

  17. well everybody who didn’t read the comics was 100% thinking dupli-kate was dead until EP 8

  18. never read the comics but its the kind of thing that would be dumb not to do. i wouldnt be surprised if the og mauler is just on ice somewhere incase both twins get killed together

  19. Maybe maybe not! It makes sense though, and most shows don’t do stuff like that.

  20. wait till you find out both are actually correct and fully acceptable 😱

  21. No it won’t but if that GPU is brand new try and return it and get a non defective copy in case you resell in the future.

  22. fair but personally I would since I’m really fucking picky about that stuff

  23. This is the show tho if it were the comics I’d agree with you

  24. Show wise, so far it’s eve that has to go, then Nolan I feel, Allen is just too cool

  25. The new Nakata is good. Otherwise, I'd wait for TOTS next friday.

  26. Tots is on Friday? Wtf has this game come to

  27. Against the rules but god damn you got a steal!

  28. First, obviously you did but check recently deleted images and clear that of everything, then go through your videos one by one and see the vids taking the most memory, if you like some of them try and send them to yourself on an app that reduces their resolution (i.e. WhatsApp) which results in heavily reduced storage taken Then look for duplicate photos or videos and clear those, it’s a hassle I know, I need to do the same myself my camera roll is cluttered

  29. I did clear out the recently deleted files. Also I don’t think you read what I wrote but it’s ok

  30. Ahhhh now I get it.. I’m a bit challenged I see, try restarting your phone is the obvious answer, my bad hahaha

  31. Get 2TB SSD, don't get Crucial P3 or P3 Plus.

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