
  1. Im so fucking done with pillsbury dough fuck and stretchy mcfuckface. Please no, no no no

  2. Well I wanted to set the world ablaze, then I was like ah fuck this blue skinned chick is pretty alright

  3. Im actually recovering from that still, been exploring, where is this "immobile giant dragon" ive been told about?

  4. Use the teleporter in the church of marikas river, note when you go in there dont poke the angel looking thing, that is no angel, continue down the bridge, avoid the dragon, continue on your way, uhhhh

  5. Oh, the church with the sick girl that feller in the shack told me about?

  6. The poleblade, its literally a darthmaul reference and if it isnt then ILL BE DAMNED

  7. You can of mountain dew baja blast is on its side over there. lol.

  8. Have you tried warping the track? I think if I remember right turn warp on and then turn it off that should work

  9. How I felt logging into the epic launcher seeing they had had the audacity to remove it from the store

  10. My point is...does it actually mean anything, or is it just gibberish he came up with on the spot? Because if the latter is true, then it's freaking hilarious.

  11. Hey Im two years late but Vader in German means father, and he knew Ani was going to be a dad, so yeah lmao

  12. I'm debating wether or not to reinstall it on my PS, it's unfortunately super dead on PC but MAN I loved that game

  13. I'm actually very excited to hear what Jordan does

  14. I really hope it goes on Spotify id love to listen to their goofy adventures while I'm at work

  15. I got this camo 2 months after the game came out, It made me hardly touch the game for a looooong time congrats man you did it right

  16. Sarah Williams? She was just some looney tune. Real messed up in the head. Wouldn’t take anything she says seriously. Especially if it’s about our boy Bob, he’d never do us dirty. Bob’s a wholesome guy. You should go over to his YouTube channel and bong his bell 😃

  17. Death and taxes, cause I just cheat and use invincibility so basically Im commiting tax evasion

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