
  1. With time and age, you start to feel very comfortable being absolutely genuine, yourself. You come to learn it’s the best way to connect with others.

  2. Anger stems from fear. I dealt with the temper of an angry spouse for many years (I’m very passive and reasonable). Dealing with someone that gets angry so quickly, you start walking on eggshells - not fun. Anyway, it didn’t end well. Toxic people will cost you a lot of time and energy.

  3. From ancestor days, we’re wired to be a part of a pack. If you weren’t part of a pack or ousted, you were dead. That’s not the case these days. If someone ghosted you, they may not want to hurt you, don’t want to be honest, or may be a coward for not telling you why they no longer want contact. But it could be insecurity in the way that you receive it, and I had some of that when I was younger - seeking approval. But overtime, you care less about that shit, and you become comfortable with yourself…focus on that.

  4. Learn to be humble and self-aware. Surround yourself with the right (good) people. Recognize opportunity as it comes along. Stay positive. Build others up. Contribute to the betterment of others.

  5. You're a kid yourself. I'll be 76 in July, but I feel your pain.

  6. Damn 68????? You must have picked up gaming later in life. Impressive thou still kuddos to you. U turned 53 last weekend and I can remember the first games on PC I played.

  7. Mentioned a random movie that night. Best film I’ve ever seen is, “There Will Be Blood.” Probably have watched it 10 times.

  8. I’d feel the same way. I never like to see any animal suffering. My uncle once bought a rooster and several hens. One day, something got after them, killed all the hens, left the rooster barely alive. Near death, the thing couldn’t even stand. My uncle decided to put him in a box and try to nurse him back to health, said it was up to God whether he lives or dies. My uncle tended to him everyday, feeding him and making sure he was alright. Overtime, that rooster regain his strength, got back on his feet, and was revived. After that, it didn’t matter where my uncle was outside, that rooster was right by his side, followed him around religiously.

  9. Spectacular movie. I watched it in the late 2000s, wanted to watch it again a few years ago, but couldn’t remember the name of it. Got lucky and found it, watched it again, and enjoyed it as much as the first time. Discovered there was a sequel and watched that right afterwards.

  10. I don’t know if it was my mood, but I found myself disappointed, ended up walking out of the theater. Will try to watch again later.

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