
  1. Okay, but also, it's been less than 24 hours. Is that really ghosting?? I avoid texting at all costs, partly because of this. I can't keep up with messaging people every single day, ya boi forgets.

  2. What D: not into ribbons? It's such a fun doodle, draw a ribbon, tell me how you feel after

  3. Is this emoji how you feel after trying a ribbon? They really do make you think...

  4. Ye it fungi. It can hurt dirt but I don't think it will hurt the dirt or plant there. It will look interesting once it grows more

  5. It looks green. Very doubtful (to me) that it's fungi, more likely some mind of algae, could even be some sort of moss protonema, though it doesn't seem to be branching...

  6. Hey GA boy/girl, I'm in Rome (ga) 👋

  7. Sure, I'm terrible at communication, though (I'm a little silly), so if me not replying at some point would be detrimental to you, I'd recommend keeping it to the comments 😅 up to you!

  8. It’s just a silly joke not making fun of mental health, we all did wild shit to our bodies at some point

  9. I got it, and I'm not trying to come after you here, but a lot of people with SH scars (myself included) would just as soon rather forget they were there. I'd like to be able to show those parts of myself without it being a focus or a joke i'm meant to be in on. Does that make sense?

  10. Sometimes jokes are funny in my head and then they come out and they are not jokes to anyone and I definitely look like an ass. Too much trauma developed into dark humor, probably.

  11. That makes sense, I do that a lot, lol.

  12. Slime flux, a community of bacteria, yeasts, and fungi all living together in a biofilm. They are all feeding off the trees sap (sugar)

  13. Would it be fair to call slime flux a biofilm, or is it more akin to a free for all that probably has biofilms in it, but isn't composed in any one kind of way? Just curious :)

  14. NEW TP POOL REGULATIONS I've been asked to distribute the new regulations regarding office pool displays. The enclosed memo is a new subchapter of the EBGOC Procedure Manual, replacing the old subchapter entitled PHYSICAL PLANT/CALIFORNIA/ LOS ANGELES/BUILDINGS/OFFICE AREAS/PHYSICAL LAYOUT REGULATIONS/EMPLOYEE INPUT/ GROUP ACTIVITIES.

  15. This is rare clubmoss. It’s a moss we found. There are thousands of them where we walk Dendrolycopodium Obscurum

  16. Dude, I knew it right off the bat I LOVE club moss. I do see this variety a lot less than the... less spiky sort. How long has it been in this setup?

  17. Looks more similar to an oak bracket than an old puffball, as others are suggesting. See this -

  18. Can't see the connection, y'see this thing is MASSIVE gotta be like 9" long, absolute unit, gigantic, it's really big I swear.

  19. Mmmmm… hypersensitivity pneumonitis (it’s a joke don’t hurt me)

  20. If you're cold, they're cold, breathe them in

  21. Yippee, I work in microplastics, and it IS freaky. We zap creek fish, kidnap them, dissolve their stomachs in acid, and filter the solution through glass.

  22. Water mixture is the fastest. Works for shroom tea too.

  23. Mind expounding on the logistics of boofing shroom tea?

  24. That looks a lot like wolf's milk slime mold up above the blue stain! Lycogala epidendrum, if you can go back and poke it, it might be full of pink powder, very cool stuff

  25. Couldn't tell ya, but center "chalet A" and "Gym B" pls

  26. I count microplastics in research. If a piece of this turned up on a filter, I would call it a clear plastic filament, I think the other comments to that effect are correct.

  27. Yes we have less human cells on and in our bodies than those from other kingdoms, other than animals 😄

  28. Not true, There's billions and billions of bugs in there, right under your skin!

  29. We have less than 10% human genes on our bodies than others

  30. (Guess I should have added a "/j" it was a bugs under your skin joke)

  31. Poisonous sure. But no mushroom is venomous. They don't have fangs or anything

  32. No mushrooms, maybe, but this is an interesting read. I'm not sure if it strictly counts as venom, someone let me know.

  33. Since algae is the topic here, I've always wondered how ubiquitous microscopic terrestrial algae is. It has to be everywhere, right?

  34. Dendrocollybia racemosa as

  35. Donde esta el "east coast rare species list" ? Would love to read that over.

  36. Mind elaborating on that? I finally have access to phase contrast and haven't heard that cheek cells are a go-to of sorts.

  37. "You Swan, Go On" by Mount Eerie

  38. I'm impressed. I'm surprised you were able to gather those guys off sandwich meat? I would avoid using anything with anti-microbial elements like nitrates? Was it processed meat with preservatives or something like sliced turkey? I just got a set of petri dishes so I'm anxious to start making some little friends. I'm a vegetarian so I don't have any meat around the house. I'm not sure what I can culture. Maybe some moldy cheese.

  39. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong here, but I think it's fair to say that you can gather bacteria from almost everything in the world that doesn't have POTENT antibacterial properties, and even then there's probably a bacteria that loves it.

  40. Hey, awesome build! Can I ask where you got your aquasoil?

  41. What moss species is that? Both look amazing by the way!

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