
  1. Loose Change was a great one. But if you have Roku, download the "Truth Tide" channel. It has so many great conspiracy vids on many subjects

  2. Rumble. Can't remember which channel. Also if you have Roku, download the app "Truth Tide." SO MANY great vids

  3. Never mind the eclipse, how would anything happen with a flat Earth? How would the Earth not collapse into a ball under gravity?

  4. Even Einstein capitulated and said gravity does not exist. It's all about density. Hence, helium balloons rising, wood floating, oil and water separating. Density has been provable, gravity, never

  5. I don't know if their really Christians because there is a passage that IS proof of the earth being round, and most people I know being christians or just that they believe that there is a creator believe that Earth is round sooooo, we don't want those guys with us either XD, but jokes aside there is proof of earth being round

  6. Nowhere in the Bible does it say anything about the Earth being round. As a matter of fact, it mentions several times that the sky separates the water above and below. The firmament opened up and rained for 40 days. The Earth was unmoving, built on pillars... etc. I'm guessing you never read it

  7. Gonna order a kids meal now, just to spite this bitch.

  8. If I actually ate McDonald's, I'd do it every day. Great advertisement lol

  9. Not sure if this was mentioned, but the opening scene of The Last of Us gets me every single time. Sadly, never finished the game, but thankfully, they made the miniseries

  10. I don't know how to add a screenshot, so look it up. A simple Google search will tell you that ANY state or federal official can activate a national guard unit. The president can, as well as governors. Trump didn't. You're right, but he did offer to activate them. Neither Pelosi nor DC police wanted them there. It would've ruined their plan. And I stay away from propagandists. I don't watch any msm. Take your propaganda lies elsewhere

  11. I stand educated. I will take my misinformation elsewhere

  12. That behavior! Hahaha you mean loving someone other than you see fit? How does that affect raising a child? Use the thing under your hair and explain to me how your sexualy affects the kids you raise? Are you saying a good straight like yourself could never have a gay child? If so, did you cause it? This is the reasoning or lack of you’re using. They don’t make kids gay by being around them anymore than you make kids gay by being a bigot.

  13. Bigot huh? When all else fails, resort to labeling me. As stated earlier, it's against EVERY religion. No different than pedophilia. Even though I UNDERSTAND what these ppl feel, I don't condone it. As do MOST conservative ppl. I feel like punching bullies in the face, I feel like ramming my car into ppl that drive recklessly, I've wanted to kill somebody at some point in my life. EACH of these things aren't acceptable. Those BEHAVIORS are not correct ways to deal. Being gay and actually sticking your d$%^ in another man's a%% are 2 different things. Thoughts and feelings are perfectly acceptable, ACTING on them is not. Idc what MAKES a person gay or a pedo or a killer for that matter. They all fall under the same blanket. And I do have a bi stepson. And he's fully aware of my feelings. Still love him, but I'll NEVER accept his sexual choice. It's not anybody else's business what ppl do sexually, UNTIL it affects another person OR they announce it, brag about it or what have you. That is the only correct thing you said

  14. Dude the problem all the religious nuts can’t understand is your religious rules don’t apply to everyone. You sin just like everyone else but somehow yours are ok and everyone else has to live by your rules because their sins are bad right. If you’ve even read the Bible you’d understand that all sins are equal so instead of forcing everyone to follow your rules that you don’t even follow just mind your own business.

  15. Personally I think Trump should stay on the ballots. But if there is a law that says he shouldn’t be on there then I trust that the courts know more about the law than me and will come to the right conclusion. Since the Supreme Court is 6-3 Republicans and 3 of them were Trump appointees will you accept their decision if they come down against Trump?

  16. ONLY if he is found guilty of a high crime or treason- related or sedition. Everyone really needs to look at the Constitution though

  17. OK. The constitution doesn't say he has to be found guilty of high crimes or treason. So if the Supreme Court decide that based on the wording of the constitution he is disqualified regardless of conviction status, you would disagree with the Supreme Court's interpretation?

  18. I'll answer that this way. Research Roe v Wade. For years, SCOTUS held that ruling firm, DESPITE the alleged victim later recanting and admitting that she lied about the case. It wasn't until the last few years that ruling was overturned. That being said, I'm hopeful that the justices will rule in his favor. Regardless, I have to respect it.

  19. Epps, a nobody with no standing amongst the crowd, on Jan 5th, said: "We need to go into the Capitol - peacefully." (He wasn't alone in doing so, and others didn't include "peacefully" either), to which he was immediately mocked and called a "fed". The next day, Epps trespassed onto Capitol grounds, as did 10k others who weren't arrested. (Of those who remained outdoors, they've only arrested those who engaged in violence or possessed a weapon) He was almost immediately placed on a "Seeking information" list, which he saw 2 days after the riot, prompting him to

  20. Holy fuck that's a lot of bullshit. I'm sure you've got the receipts. You lost me at the only ppl arrested...lmfao

  21. It was all over the news. Google it

  22. I'm going to have to disagree with you both. I was born on the south side of Chicago where I was the minority, lived in poor suburbs in Section 8 housing all of my youth and my family has multiple generations of poverty. While I had my fair share of incarcerations, homelessness and other problems, I made it out just fine. That is, once I took responsibility for MY problems and issues. I was only trapped in the perpetual cycle of poverty and being labeled a criminal as long as I blamed everything on my environment and family lineage. I'm so tired of those excuses. Today I run my own business- that I got without a single loan/ grant and live in a much cleaner, safer and prouder area. Three of my four sisters also went on to success. One is a published author, one worked for a large law firm in Chicago until MS hit her and another has a criminal justice degree working at another law firm. The last was placed in foster care as a teen, as well. And I'll stop everyone in advance with talk of white privilege by saying a number of my minority friends succeeded too. It's logic like that that keeps people from trying to do better. Side note: I also learned that the Democrat run areas and leaders that made so many promises of cleaning up the streets and helping those in need only made residents weaker while the problems remain.

  23. I'm befuddled at how all of my posts, even in ps4 threads are mostly downvoted. Wtf has happened to this sub/app?

  24. I didn’t know Hillary was a prison guard either…

  25. Never referred to Clinton being at the prison. The liar above claimed Epstein happened under Trump's watch. He ALSO disavowed Epstein upon finding out who he truly was. I promise it Trump was on that list, it would've been released the day they raided the island

  26. Jesus Christ add in some periods if you’re going to copy and paste stuff

  27. IF ONLY I knew how to copy and paste.... or load videos or pictures or links or gifs or emojis If only I could find the period button on my keyboard I'm usually the grammar nazi but hey.................... here's your periods

  28. Stupid does heart disease result in nearly 100% of the time?

  29. You should share your combat experiences with the group. The honorable gentleman that you responded to spoke of HIS personal experience. Where did/do you serve? What combat experiences do you have that refute his experience?

  30. They were calling from the phones that were installed in the aircraft.

  31. Aren't those phones controlled by the cockpit, though? If the hijackers had the knowledge to disable the trackers and such, why keep the phones accessible? 1 call could've resulted in the plan failing due to getting shot down. This is only ONE of the fishy narratives that don't pass the smell test

  32. Lol sorry you succumbed to the memes but it's your loss. The voice acting is actually pretty stellar, especially for a game made in 2001. Minor hiccups here and there, but overall it's fantastic, especially considering the localization and voice actors were forced to fit their lines into the Japanese mouth movements. Its literally a star-studded cast in the voice acting industry. If you're talking about the laughing scene it's a moot point given that it's scripted fake laughing. Also it's Tidus, not Titus.

  33. Thanks for the correction. TIDUS was the worst actor of the series. 1-14. BTW, I played the game at least 3 times over the years, HOPING to see it through different eyes. Nope. Still the worst VA of any game I've played.

  34. Worst ever? FF X?? Come on now. There are legitimate criticisms for the game but “worst ever” is not it, definitely with your examples of problems.

  35. I've been playing both JRPGS/RPGS since they were started on Nintendo and PC. No, I haven't played ALL of them, Nier Automata(SP) for example. I've played EVERY FF except XV and XVI. Nothing can ever top 14, IMO. I've loved Dragon Warrior, Phantasy Star, Ultima, D&D, I've got enough experience to form and voice a solid opinion. Voice acting=cringe for MOST of the scenes. I did love Sphereball? Don't remember if that's the name

  36. Lol. I didn't get tested for anything. Just battled it and won. I refuse to become a statistic in a sick game again. #NeverAgain

  37. In November 2019,Covid was just a few cases over in China.(per Reddit) I got sicker then I had even been in my life for 2 weeks from November 20-December 1ish 2019, then after the new year it was declared. In February 2020 places went into preparation and social distancing. March 2020 we locked down and shut stores down. Be aware of the timeline!

  38. Had to say my sister and b-i-l came down with a nasty resp illness 2019, November. Can't say they nearly died, but it kicked their asses for weeks. They said they've never been so sick and the Dr's couldn't figure it out. Fast forward to 2020, covid is "released."

  39. I think the FBI plants thing might be a misinterpretation. There probably were some undercover agents from various agencies present in Trump's audience to maintain security but personally I reject the idea that they would have seeded or participated in the insurrection.

  40. I've never met a conservative person excited to break windows out of a federal building. Not saying they don't exist, but look at the summer before and the types of ppl that acted like that. Also look at all the video evidence of government busses, undercover Antifa personnel and literal FBI agents. There is NO debate here

  41. Democrats were indeed embarrassed by Trump, but moreso he was viewed as a major safety risk.

  42. What part of FBI plants do you not understand? Trump repeatedly asked for the NG. It was Pelosi and the DC police that turned it down. Spread your propaganda somewhere else 🤡

  43. Fuck it, I will never see that amount of money in ten lifetimes that all these fuckers make.

  44. It's so easy to start a business. It's also easy to go to college- not that I'd recommend indoctrination. It's also easy to get in a trade. I'm so sick of people saying they can't make money when we live in the most capitalistic society on Earth. It's not easy but many years ago, all I was was a broke felon whining about how I couldn't survive. 15 years of hard work- shit jobs and a mountain of self respect led me to working with the military again. It's so easy to get a "comfortable" life. You don't have to be rich. JS

  45. It's cool that you brought that up. I was actually going to enroll in the technical college here. I'm 43 but fuck it, age really is just a number. As far as being rich, fuck that I just want to be comfortable. Would it be cool being rich? Probably at first. I don't want a big house, or fancy cars. What I do want is to pay my bills, have enough food, and a little money left over to maybe buy something cool that I can enjoy. At one point I was comfortable, I put in 60 hours a week, knew my job inside and out had enough money after bills to buy cool shit Unfortunately I lost all that so now it's time to build it back again.

  46. I was 47 when I started my LLC. Not to mention, at the height of covid and with a zero-customer database that I built in 2 years to make over 80k

  47. I'm in the process of finishing up Dragon Quest 11. Its been an amazing experience and one of the best JRPG's I've ever experienced but if I were to suggest the game to anyone I would say buy the standard version instead of the definitive version.

  48. Dragon Warrior was the first RPG I ever played and I got hooked. I recently did the minecraft version (don't remember the name) and loved it. It brought me back to my childhood

  49. FFX on the top of my all-time favourites. Ghost of Tsushima.

  50. FFX voices killed it for me. The overacting was horrible. The story was one of the best I've ever played. That's the only reason I finished it

  51. Yeah that true...the concern is that eventually government will decide that anyone mentally unfit needs to use one of these things...maga thinks lgbt is a mental illness so put them in the rainbow pod...hardcore progressives think maga is a mental illness, so put them in a stars & stripes themed pod...the govt would never do that tho lol

  52. I have to disagree on the point that MAGA thinks LGBT is a mental disorder. You just can't make that blanket false statement. I support America being a better place and am completely fine with people choosing their sexual partners. Gay, straight, whatever. Where I believe MOST of us draw the line is creating a fantasy world in which a person decides, "I'm in the wrong body." In case you haven't paid attention, ppl claim to be animals, opposite genders, different "races" and even get amputations because they "were meant to be born with one arm." If that isn't textbook mental illness, idk what is.

  53. Yes this is a controversial thought, but not entirely without merit.

  54. I came here to say just this. If someone, year after year, knows they don't want to live but can't put their family through the horror of finding them, they should have this available. I feel important safeguards should be in place, but it's not an unreasonable request. Look at the slander of Dr Jack Kevorkian (sp). He assisted many and was vilified. If they will allow children to legally make life-altering decisions, adults should be able to choose death. At least it's more humane than a bullet, drug overdose, hanging, slit wrists, etc

  55. Mine didn't look that snazzy. Now I feel DOUBLE gipped

  56. The most interesting post I've read all month

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