
  1. The supply chain software market is a very crowded space, with hundreds of options for companies to choose from. You're competing with a bunch of other startups, specialized, established supply chain platforms, and massive ERP players. They all have big marketing budgets / VC dollars, and are willing to spend plenty of money to get customers.

  2. The software provides recommendation on what SKUs need to be transferred to another store. Hope this helps understand the product a bit better.

  3. representation doesn't mean entitlement of jobs. When will people understand this?

  4. The important thing is to not keep money in INR, because to fund all this reservation they will devalue the inr or tax everyone heavily. Keep your money in USD, Bitcoin, Gold, Stocks anything, but not INR

  5. The important thing is to not keep money in INR, because to fund all this reservation they will devalue the inr or tax everyone heavily. Keep your money in USD, Bitcoin, Gold, Stocks anything, but not INR

  6. The important thing is to not keep money in INR, because to fund all this reservation they will devalue the inr or tax everyone heavily. Keep your money in USD, Bitcoin, Gold, Stocks anything, but not INR

  7. Everyone has a gate love relationship with them, so right now you're in the love phase, this too shall pass

  8. It's pretty straightforward. If you participate in unlawful protests, you are at risk. Don't do that.

  9. International students don't care about protests they are too busy dealing with visa, jobs, and studying etc.

  10. Does it have better MSBA program and is it easier to get a job? Could you pls share more?

  11. College has nothing to do with job, there's even graduates from Princeton and Harvard unemployed since the last couple of years

  12. Uhg stock has been performing amazingly… I guess it’s the retail side that’s dragging us down.

  13. I don't think is going to dive further. This is a too big to fail kind of company meaning that if it sinks further is going to attract buyers which maybe good to keep.

  14. Just because Buffet invested doesn't mean he's right. He also invested in paramount and that purchase isn't doing so well. But Sirius has a decent P/E

  15. NBA will be a big hit now but it anyone watches shows and knows about the streaming market right now, the debt will easily be chipped away over the next 5-10 years.

  16. Or just go back to the old system where you had to pay 5k and submit documentation regardless of if you actually wanted to hire the candidate or not.

  17. Thank you so much! Do you have any experience with any of these loan companies yourself? Trying to find out if you start repaying while still studying or if there’s a grace period before you start repaying

  18. bruh both of these are predatory lenders, get SBI, if they ever stop playing solitaire

  19. UTD, its a much competitive program and you are likely to have more time, since the course has an internship

  20. network network network!! i’m assuming you’re still maybe 1-2 years away from graduating, and if so then it’s the perfect time for you to start connecting with people in your desired industries. start with something small like a volunteer position or an unpaid internship. build your way up. connect connect connect! talk to your professors, to people you find interesting on LinkedIn, to those in your desired companies.

  21. There's a fine line between networking and becoming a creep. Most international students are known to be like salesmen who are just talking to you for referrals. Also referrals don't work most of the times.

  22. Frankly it's your choice completely, if you have skills that are in short supply then you should be good regardless of the economy. Since everyone does a CS degree or related those field are not in short supply. Electronics, mechanical etc. still are booming 

  23. With an agent is likely that your IP address would get flagged so do not use an agent

  24. If you are a US citizen it should be easier to find a job than an international student, but both of these degrees don't really scream employment

  25. And we are such a tiny votebank(3%?), nobody gives a rat’s a** about us

  26. There's no point being a salaried person in India, you should plan to immigrate anywhere outside

  27. Your money is being used to fund social justice programs, if you don't like it you can leave India as most already have 

  28. Abroad is probably the best decision you will ever make, don't waste your time in India in IITs and stuff

  29. Even a basic google search can show how stupid this post is

  30. For real people keep reading stupid news articles and think 98B is actually a big number

  31. "You are a line on an excel spreadsheet, attached to an email, that nobody opened..."

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