
  1. the issue isn't nintendo it's nintendo of america, many nintendo games have been ridiculously censored for an american release, like making prince peasley a dick to luigi insted of trying to win his heart

  2. This shit IS somewhat new, the dmcas were sent by aaron peters a fake Nintendo employee that sends fake dmcas to fan projects

  3. Ok, its over. The oop officially completely ruined the sojack vs chad meme format

  4. This is a reference to the long bacon thing not biphobia (fear of the number 2)

  5. They specified cultists, if that isn't you, then why did you take offense

  6. They said fans, they edited their comment after I pointed that out

  7. desafortunadamente siempre nos toca decir eso, que mas ya sabemos que todo conecta desde mas arriba hasta mas abajo. Siempre eh dicho somos mas porque no nos levantamos y luchamos pero la mayoria esta conforme con lo que tiene o tiene miedo de perder lo poco que tiene.

  8. El mundo no se acabara por la gente mala haciendo actos malos, seran por la gente buena que no hace nada

  9. EA deserve this punishment for turning unique franchise into mobile games with paid plants.

  10. Sigh.... Neta México va en decadencia.... Es increíble como los candidatos a la presidencia son cada vez peor

  11. Yo no los veo peores es solo que se te olvidó lo malo que eran los pasados

  12. It's weird that he would be so emotional about killing Zod after killing the other Kryptonians. He has them crushed in a black hole singularity. It also seems like he wasn't holding back and was trying to kill the Kryptonians earlier (especially the "you think you can threaten my mother?" part), so it feels like the movie does nothing to demonstrate that he's generally loathe to kill, and then it asks us to see him being forced to kill as some kind meaningful character moment.

  13. Exactly my thoughts, gonna sound a bit cheesy here but I'm say how I think that scene could have been better

  14. That scene was amazing. Supes begging and pleading with Zod and Zod forces him to make a shitty choice that completely broke Supes after. Fuckin beautiful.

  15. I also liked that but I would have liked it more if it conveyed why superman screamed after killing him

  16. This reminds of those essay youtubers that force comedy into their essays and it just falls into the groups of "that would be so dumb if that actually happened actually happens" "yeah that is SOOO good (obvious sarcasm)" "I know what you are thinking mocks a random member of the audience" I just hate it when people hide their opinions behind "comedy" to make them seem factual or ok

  17. I also noticed this with superhero universes, the superheroes are built upon the awe of believing a man can fly but when you have like 5000 then what's the point? Also when your many characters feel like they don't impact the world around them

  18. Me da risa que un 50% de los comentarios vienen a decir que fue AMLO, haha.

  19. La discusión política en México consiste en una sección del país culpando al gobierno por lo malo y otra sección alabandolo por cada cosa buena

  20. Calling it now: this game will be loot boxes / micro transactions and paywalls infested

  21. Don't lose faith, if you analyze the current situation in gaming it appears we are at the last stretch of predatory live service games

  22. first we had omninoelle and now this, good keep dark noelles coming (along with wholesome noelles)

  23. “Superman fighting the justice league” Zack Snyder is an absolute hack with no media literacy. Thank god that never happened.

  24. Minecraft is a indie game, it was released as such now Minecraft dungeons ain't for example

  25. I hate this kinda post that's just romance/sexuality gross and weird like damn just let a motherfucj¿ker be a motherfucker

  26. Its just pointing out a silly thing im not shaming anyone for their ships

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