
  1. Wellp, don’t break the law. Says this same guy when the shoe is on the other foot.

  2. Not the coolest to compare yourself to some of the most destitute people on earth. Splashing this poor souls image around. In comparison you are highly privileged as an American, with far better prospects, despite the very real issues here.

  3. Pretty privileged of you to assume I’m American, shows your own self there. Do you not realize there are others out here? Yer bias is showing bud. I’m gonna guess you live in the suburbs in a nice house got a good education and now use that against others like you to feel self inflated with your online heroism. Americans smh. I say this because obviously don’t know the struggle that billions suffer under because of capitalist ideals. Hence the meme.

  4. The image you posted is offensive in the tasteless context you chose. I assume you have access to food and technology? Unlike this astoundingly destitute man in the picture. Go ahead and fck off with your poor attempt at deflecting the point 😃

  5. To them reality is just a scary movie, a false illusion, a veil to keep the real world hidden, they are gnostic lunatics, they believe themselves to be God, that they are alone in this world and that every person is either a fragment of themselves or an illusion, a non playable character (npc)", a made up soulless being. It's a dangerous occult religion that could potentially justify violence against other people who do not conform to their cult.

  6. That's a gross exaggeration. It's more like 70... 80 percent tops.

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