
  1. As someone else mentioned, much better changes than what we got in endwalker.

  2. Pre-pull blood weapon was just to allow us to not overlap mana on fight start, now it's pre-pull delirium, and this results in the entire opener being moved up and will probably result in less of the opener being in raid buffs than now in EW unless Delirium's time is extended.

  3. Cant you just tbn or edge of shadow at the beginning of a fight? Pre-pull blood weapon always sounded unnecessarily complicated for a miniscule gain.

  4. I can’t see the stream rn but how are we feeling about DRK?

  5. More or less the same as before with more visual flair which im content with

  6. I've always wondered what gunbreaker's dps stance would have been called if they were still a thing

  7. would you recommend this for someone’s first gun?

  8. Unless you really like the g36 platform, no as i put several upgrades into this thing

  9. Aeg buy definitely not stock Put several upgrades into the gun

  10. I'm getting my engineering degree rn and it's interesting how many older adults are in my courses. The bulk of the students are colledge age of course, but between a fourth to a third are between late 20s - late 40s.

  11. Im also in engineering and this was the same case for me. Most the older students were either prior military, first responders, or people who already have established careers and wanted to expand their education. They were usually the ones who took the class seriously and I've learned a lot from them, especially with life advice.

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