
  1. High ceiling of trust, low inhibitions around the other.

  2. Al-Andalus in the 9-11th centuries is a good example. It was a relatively peaceful coexistence of two groups who had no interest on becoming the other. Little effort beyond cultural osmosis was made for conversion

  3. The most highly skill alteration sorcerer in my world is an anthropomorphic badger who wears an old plaid coat with patches and swears.

  4. Elves banished humans from paradise to a land of monsters. 800 years later they return with wwi era tech and wage a reconquest of their lands.

  5. Reminds me of that meme about warhammer:

  6. Fallout new vegas, cyberpunk, and Mountains of Madness have a threesome.

  7. Nyírő Gyula kórház, OPAI. Nekem sokat segítettek

  8. Megvolt a mai szektás gyűlölködő poszt hogy amazok milyen szektás gyűlölködők

  9. Milyen kínos lenne egy ilyen rendezvényhez a nevedet adni ha közben lenne egy meleg fiad.

  10. A résztvevők jó része is meleg, csak closeted

  11. Let's just see if NATO survives the coming US presidency of Trump first

  12. In a conventional one. People forget nukes exist. No one wins in a nuclear war

  13. Az orvosok egyébként hol a faszban vannak ilyenkor?

  14. Öregek otthonában vizsgálnak bentlakókat, vagy a másik faluban is ugyanakkor van a rendelése, mint az egyikben, ilyenek

  15. One of my favourite books, Heretic by Rukis, has some drawings, and I love'em.

  16. It's still speech in the legal sense

  17. All lizardmen had a culture in WFB and so do the Seraphon. Especially after the return of Sotek, the culture of the lizardmen diverged from their original old ones style (it may still be according to plan though) and they developed new religions, cults and traditions. This varies between the different species, but all of them, even the Slann, develop over time their own theories and practices to deal with a changing universe. Kroxigor and Saurus stay relatively primitive and just have a number of martial rituals and bloody gods they pray too (or they completely go feral). The main drivers of lizardmen culture are always the Skinks who have to interpret the will of the old ones and the Slann and the same time and reach a bunch of superstitions. They have art, clothing styles, rituals and personal preferences.

  18. There's a few sections of Broken Sword that deal with this, through the eyes of an Imperial defector:

  19. Such a good read for my lunch break! Thanks for taking the time to post it!

  20. Oh boy oh my! No most aztán majd nagyon máshogy oszlik el az ellenzéki szavazat a Fidesz 2/3ad mellett!

  21. I should reinstall Endwar. That game has vibes like this

  22. I would have been more helpful to refuse Israel to enter these hospitals at all.

  23. "No, Herr Obersturmfuhrer, you may not check my attic for fugitive jews."

  24. Because Israel cared for what the UN has to say in the past...

  25. I would have laughed my ass off if you were like "If he commits tax fraud and is arrested, we can't continue next tuesday!"

  26. Look at what's popular today. Learn from their mistakes. Not just examples of good, bad ones too.

  27. Check out the site Atomic Rockets:

  28. I plan to, if by some miracle my novel gets popular, i dont want to live the nightmare that is being internet famous

  29. During his respawn time, Earth would be suck in to the warp

  30. Well, there is no overpowered pay-to-win premium ammo IRL so I doubt it's necessary. And even in games even angling doesn't help against premium ammo, so yeah.

  31. Leliana says "Of All the..."

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