
  1. Lol dude, pretty normal pricing in switzerland, minus the furniture

  2. Holy moly, that's beautiful! I don't have a fitting title, just wanted to write how much i love this art!

  3. Maybe she shouldn't drive such a huge ass SUV, which she can't control.

  4. Reddit, your daily dose of people fckning dying.

  5. Lol, if you don't want her to tear it up just take it away?!

  6. Unpopuläri Meinig: Ich bi überzügt alles in allem mache die Fanzüg dr SBB Profit. Sin immer sehr guet usglastet und au wenn nur d hälti e Billet kauft rächnet sich dr ufwand trotzdäm. Und ich glaub die meiste Lüt hätte kei freud wenn 2000 Basler oder Zürcher in de Regelzüg areise würde. Es isch die besti Lösig au wenns nid ganz perfekt isch.

  7. Danke! Die Züg werded eh nüm für die breit Bevölkerig brucht, also chammers au de Fuessballfans überloh. Das standige "shame" überall gohtmer langsam uf de wecker.

  8. Thank god she didn't forget the "miuk"

  9. Such an intelligent kid. That , sliding towards the lower part of the ladder to get it up. And holding it down while mom tries to climb down. Bless the kid. 👏👏

  10. Also holding it on the opposite side to keep balance, smart kid.

  11. Hänsel und Gretel wären da drin gekocht worden.

  12. ERs get people coming in with panic attacks who literally think they are dying or having a heart attack. But Kay takes a selfie....ok.

  13. Also with that smug grin on her face. Geez

  14. I actually love these guys. I think there is something incredibly entertaining about the way it’s shot, edited, and their facial expressions being so consistent. It feels like high effort cringe vs low effort stuff that I’m used to.

  15. E chinesischi Drone, wo dich usspioniere tuet!

  16. You should not feed other cats, man, she clearly belongs to someone.

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