
  1. If this is a gas cart it means your battery voltage is below 14.1 volts, which means your charging system is not functioning properly. Could be the result of a bad battery or the voltage rectifier going out.

  2. You’re right. They are different. There is a stigma that’s negative on one and not the other

  3. No dumbass, there is a methyl group attached to the amphetamine molecule in methamphetamine that facilitates its rapid transport across the blood brain barrier. This causes a faster and harder hitting high which is far more addictive.

  4. Of course similar chemistry applies to the comparisons of opium morphine and fentynal.

  5. Yeah… opium, morphine and fentanyl get progressively more potent and addictive as well. No shit, you can overcome addiction with willpower. Everyone is now dumber for having read that. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

  6. This came out of food processing plant. It was found before production during pre-op. I was thinking bearing race at first but the groove is oval

  7. Ahhhh ok I get it now… this group is full of people that believe their psychotic delusions

  8. If the state is going to force women to carry their pregnancies to term, no matter what their circumstances are, the state should be forced to cover medical care and food for every pregnant woman. No exceptions.

  9. Or maybe if you can’t afford to raise a child don’t let dead beats nut in you…

  10. Because the public school system is a joke.

  11. Same reason the postal service sucks, same reason the homeless population in California is growing, same reason the interest payment on the federal debt is over a trillion dollars.

  12. Deep down you know, that’s why it upsets you

  13. Yeah we are smarter than you, that’s how we figured out the predatory loans and interest rates (for education that other countries give for free) are total bullshit.

  14. Measure from the original leaf spring mount, flat plate on the bottom side of the axle, to the under side of the leaf spring. That will get you pretty close.

  15. He may not be able to clear bigger, I have the same wheel and tires on my 18 and they rub, even after cutting the crash bars out.

  16. I have 34.5s on a 3.5 inch lift with zero rubbing and I have not touched my crash bars. If 35s are rubbing on a 6 inch it’s a tire width issue not a lift issue

  17. It’s spot on, like the majority of the memes you basement dwelling losers gripe about on this sub.

  18. Has zero experience… gets a liter bike…

  19. My dollar is worth is 18% less so no I’m not better off…

  20. I’m not sure you understand what that word means…

  21. Whoever put Orlando as Floridas worst city has never spent time in the panhandle.

  22. I just got back from Orlando, this map could not be more correct.

  23. Says the dickbag that made me file tax returns for the 600 dollars I made selling shit on eBay.

  24. Ah yes, one group has more value than the other because the male audience would rather have sex with them.

  25. So this ended up being my dinged up props. I changed props, same specs, and now my flight time is over 3-5 minutes depending on how I fly. The only other thing I changed was my ELRS packet rate, idk if that affects it.

  26. My guess in that case is that your quad has a problem with the PID loop and filters. Do you have a blackbox on your FC on the quad which you can analyze and use for tuning?

  27. Yes, it has a blackbox. What would I be looking for in the log?

  28. Based. That’s why I’ve been getting used to tinywhoops as of late. When they come for drones, perhaps sub 50 gram drones may still be safe!

  29. Oh please almighty government, only limit my freedoms if it’s heavy /s

  30. Impact is the right way, anything else is a work around.

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