
  1. Bro thinks gold sellers are out there selling groundbreaking world first achievements, lmao!!

  2. Rates need to go down if real estate falls our economy will go down the toilet faster than you can blink

  3. If our economy going down the toilet means more Canadians can afford homes then I'm all for it.

  4. Wait until you find out that if the economy takes a dump, you could potentially be on the losing side, and worse off than now 😬

  5. i think the biggest "problem" for pvp is how much good content there is in the game. back when pvp was in its prime all the content in the game was just:

  6. Also back then pvp skill level and coordination was much lower. The peak of skill expression was seeing an exp drop with your magic shortbow and sending a gmaul spec.

  7. If we can pinpoint how many, it would be valuable.

  8. I get the demand with the buff, but elder mauls have been in the game for 7 years now. What are the odds they drop down again once people realize how many are in the game?

  9. You say shitty situation, but there are reasons why Reddit took over the space so absolutely.

  10. Deliberate design decisions which cater to stupid lizard-brain satisfaction while making it harder to have intelligent conversations.

  11. Hate it or love it, you google any somewhat niche question odds are Reddit will be the top result, and the top up voted comment is going to be the correct answer. If people come to reddit looking for echo chambers they will find them, but for 99% of the rest of the user base they google a question, see the answer hit up vote and move on.

  12. Please make every pre boss room require <= 10 clicks Jagex.

  13. Genuinely, why is this a hill you want to die on? Monkey room has always been a stand out bad piece of content. I wouldn't mind if they made the bosses harder/ longer, or redesigned monkey room to be less dogshit and require more clicks and more time. People suggest simple fixes that would work and Jagex comes up with a fix that doesn't work that's all there is to this rn.

  14. That is a delusionally insane take. Take a step back for a second here. You cannot seriously be saying that weapon swaps to attack coloured monkeys for 3 minutes is the main skill check in the raid. It's not difficult, it's boring. I would actually be more interested if it was more difficult. It's just an actual snoozefest that drags down the pace of the raid

  15. Just accept the invade and go to your other side. Or dont go into jgl at all before the buffs spawn. Its fucking Gold Elo man. Chill.

  16. Dude like 25% of my games one team or the other invades and gets a free kill on an afk. That and vision control are both completely valid reasons to want people to be present once the game starts

  17. And the one person still playing has accumulated resources for everyone else

  18. By doing 3x as much work? Idk man, that's a bit cope. There's not more than a handful of groups that hired a slave to farm for them as a group member. Everyone else is just trying to have fun with friends

  19. Yeah, my group of 5 was me (have a 2100~ iron) obviously I was more efficient and farmed out 4 enhanced, two fangs, etc etc, for the group. We even kicked someone from our PoE group to invite a friend whose GIM died. We're booger helms now because he didn't want to restart, but we also have been having a ton of fun.

  20. Yeah I just hard disagree with the whole "Mains with extra steps." If the extra steps are the exact same that regular Ironman have to go through then what are we gatekeeping? Is it exclusively the late game uniques that are more consistent to obtain with multiple people? I personally draw the line at Buying Bonds for Gold and optimizing gameplay around GP/HR. Any account that does not do those 2 things is Ironman enough to me.

  21. I was playing Hec vs a Jhin who max range hit me with his ult while I was on Golems. I stopped, typed in chat "Run Jhin" he actually listened, ran back to his tier 2 as fast as he could, I caught and killed him just under tower while his support was still trying to catch up, killed her too for good measure. Then I typed "Leave me alone while I farm and I won't come back"

  22. As a jungler I always type no leash, and start wraiths or wolves, clear maybe 3 seconds slower. As an adc/ sup, I auto attack 5 times, use one spell if the mana would mostly regen by the time I get back to lane, contribute about 200-300 damage on a 2800 hp camp I believe. Yeah, leashing is pretty shitty.

  23. Don't fight near morde with his ult avaliable. Easy what's 1 more champion we have to stay 1 full screen away from?

  24. Are you of the misunderstanding that his ult cast is melee range? And are you not a high enough level to have flash unlocked? He can reach you from well beyond even Sennas Maxed auto attack range, and that's ignoring external speed buffs or his teammates cc abilities. I'm not sure if you're just playing silly but as an ADC you play knowing that every player on the other team will use every spell in their collective arsenal to kill you first. If you make that an impossibility, force them to use some of those spells on your teammates then you can engage carefully.

  25. This, with any combination of balance adjustments, does nothing to address any of the problems jungle faces.

  26. I think the comment above agrees with everything you've suggested. It was tongue in cheek since support is very good right now. I don't think they were suggesting seriously that a sona is worthless because of their inability to duel a footage or trundle.

  27. He sneakily edited his comment a bit. But yeah, just not sure why he would have even used the word Dueling when it has nothing to do with anything

  28. Locket active is incredibly powerful. Being able to instantly prevent up to 1800 AoE damage... I'm not buying it for the gold efficiency of stats.

  29. Natural boobs flatten when laying down. Does silicone make them stay "volumous" even when laying?

  30. It is confusing because of the orientation of the photos posted here. But in real life she is flipped facing down, suspended/ strapped below the bed. So the boobs do obey gravity.

  31. Smolder zeri nilah senna. First 3 are obvious. Senna doesnt have dashes but insane range and a little healing and shielding too

  32. None of which could survive being jumped by an assassin/bruiser/burst mage/ksante an entire item down from said ad”c”. Tell me another role that is too scared to stay past the river solo whilst being up 2k from everyone else in the team.

  33. Exactly, and people say "well you can't be solo you rely on team" okay sure. But you still only contribute equivalent or lesser damage compared to any other champion from another role, the only remaining ADC identity is that its consistent and targeted damage not dependent on cooldowns.

  34. I think they mean make up for the rest of the country being cheaper. Could be wrong though.

  35. You are saying that balancing revolves around those things so you should provide at least most of a large portion of the patch notes as examples shouldn't you?

  36. I feel that you are actively choosing not to make an effort to understand anything that has been said in this thread and are arguing without good faith, I feel silly even trying to clarify. No, their entire balance philosophy is not based solely on pro play, and even if it was I admit that there is a significant overlap in appropriate balancing in pro play vs solo queue. What we are bringing up are the cases where champions and roles are intentionally kept weak because of the top .1%

  37. Nop, i'm just looking at reality vs feeling. The thread started with THE GAME IS BALANCED around proplay and you just resized it to "the cases where" see how you cut bullshitting when you are forced to use your brain and dont just complain to complain?

  38. The title of the post is "Not sure why more people don't talk about this in terms of game balance" and the Original Comment you replied to said "changes should be considered proportionally to its effect of the player population" neither of which even remotley commit to claiming that every balance change ever made is invalid as you so claim they do.

  39. Other than immigration there won't be many future Canadians if the current trends continue. Young people cannot afford to raise a family, so they don't, at most 1 child. Maybe that's also part of his Climate Plans, fewer people alive to pollute!

  40. Look man, if you dont know how footpedalijg works you can just say that but this is a really pointless comment. 

  41. Do you macro your foot pedal with autohotkey or something to click specific coordinates on your screen then return? Even then I am not sure how you would play a second game while clicking every 2 ticks. Watching a movie at best but you are still tethered to the action making afk the very opposite of what it is

  42. Not a troll, just convinced people are crazy... All this sub does is complains about everything. I even saw people complaining about a marksmen item getting a buff once because they think it's not good enough of a buff.

  43. +5 AD on Navori Quickblades was too much of a power swing. I am glad they walked back that proposed buff!

  44. The thing is a small buff is still a buff... You're expecting them to just go up and make adcs overpowered or something in 1 update. They have to take it carefully when adjusting items.

  45. Yeah like that buff in a vacuum wouldn't have been a big deal. It was the associated talking up of the change followed by immediately walking it back and saying ADC is now in a good place and no longer requires such a big buff.

  46. Yep, we've started as early as 4am to be done before noon during the heat waves. Truly does not make a difference to me what number the clock says, other than when mcdonalds starts serving lunch.

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