
  1. Could’ve been criminal activity going on, I was just driving by and saw cops hassling someone beside CVS on churn creek. I jumped to the conclusion they were clearing the area I guess.

  2. Could have been, but I’m sure it’s much more likely they’re clearing the area of “undesirables.” Love the downvotes keep ‘em coming y’all.

  3. I thought it’s septum was pierced at first and I was like “hell yeah fighting bull triceratops!”

  4. Yeah the characters only say child murderer. But that doesn't change the fact he is in fact a pedophile too. Nancy on the phone with him, is only one piece of evidence of that fact.

  5. Yes so it was retconned. Never mentioned till later. So the reasons aside he’s only called a child murderer. Is he a pedophile? Absolutely but you don’t KNOW that for sure till later and I think OP said first movie only. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  6. Didn’t say I agreed with OP. I said he wasn’t a pedophile (confirmed) till later

  7. I saw a comment from LCY stating they don't do "music videos" and their content is more akin to Tiny Desk and I respect that. Their whole motto is giving bands, who don't have the funds to shoot a proper music video, the opportunity to have polished film that isn't just live bar footage. So if you're talking about all LCY vids being black n white, that's their style 🤷‍♂️ And it's one I can recognize immediately which is a plus.

  8. Tiny desk is live. This very clearly is not. And w motto saying we don’t do music videos and in the next breath saying provide music videos is a bit dumb shit. Band is great but if you’re telling me a group of 20 somethings don’t have 1 friend that could do this and make it at least slightly different from the video that looks exactly the same then I don’t know what to tell you. If every video looks exactly the same you’re just making it easier for me to ignore

  9. Idk, I saw Wristmeetrazor's video on Instagram, recognized the LCY set, and then went to watch it on YouTube. Sounds like their style works pretty well for people like me. That's probably because I actually care about the music, but I definitely understand why you would need theatrics, explosions, and Cocomelon to keep your attention.

  10. Yeah or just not something that I’ve seen a million times. But you do you you sweet summer child. 🫡

  11. My instinct was the Dip but Temple is probably the right answer

  12. No problem. He’s a very cool dude and very easy to work with. His email is available on thedipredding.com

  13. It's literally some nobody, why even bring attention to it. Bringing it up, even in a negative light gives them the traffic they want.

  14. Dude watching a show like oh great another band on a riser with drums in the back and guitar amps toward the outer left and right what’s next a roof above and crowd too? So passé.

  15. If you're in DC make sure to hit up Joint Custody record shop on U St and Smash Records in Adams Morgan. Great shops, lots of cool history and good neighborhoods to eat in.

  16. Thanks I emailed Aaron at the dip in Redding to hit you guys up. He’s a friend of mine and I’d be stoked to catch y’all there 🙌🏻🫡

  17. I have 2 tigers and 2 panthers, it's a fight between the big cats! I do plan on getting a large panther as the centerpiece for my leg sleeve.

  18. 16 year old me is mad I forgot about Shook Ones.

  19. Touché amore. If I hear one more dork explain to me how deep this shit is I’m gonna flip out. And I say this as a fan and a person who FUCKING LIKES TA

  20. I fuck with Jeremy Bolm, but my goodness does TA insist upon itself.

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