
  1. under carmunism games would be free BUT the revolution requires the execution of all gamers

  2. “Gamer” is a mindset. It is a form of Western “nerd culture” a bastion of rampant capitalism and bigotry which segregates itself because it is the only thing allowing them to have an inflated sense of self, because the “Nerd” has been historically seen as inferior. Even if this nerd culture is accepted in mainstream culture, many see it as sacrilege and thus push harder, becoming more reactionary because to them, Nerd culture is like their little secret society where they can feel superior to the “Normies”.

  3. what she doesent know is hes been jelqing for 5 hours a day... for two years😔😔😔......

  4. Yeah, if these folks aren't immune to the airborne strain, they're totally fucked.

  5. in the project zomboid universe you could just sail a few metres out if you wanted to and nothing can get you. live of off fish and water from the water collector, and the only thing keeping you from shore is your sanity.

  6. as a communist i dont want this sub to become incoherent bullshitting and appealing to liberals..😉

  7. I can't remember the last time I was attacked for being straight

  8. I never figured out a good use for it. If you could send the shamblers in a initial direction then I think it would be useful but its not reliable.


  10. hahaha i loved the ending whenever the ford followers had killed dheadcrab and they did their funny little dance :))))))

  11. I read the title and thought oh its fine even if they aren't good you can just get a crappy doctor to tend them it will be rough but you will be fine. Then I saw the bottom of the image and realised that you meant it literally and not in the hyperbolie of the only people that are good at doctoring rather than the only ones physically capable of it. RIP to those 2 and not a terrible chance its also RIP to the rest of the colony.

  12. There is always Misteripus Blackman come and save your colony. Happen to my only surviving vampire, no legs/arm, 100% burn, starvation and bloodthirst for amost a year. Took so many doctoring try to get legs on thr vampire; and guess what he is a Body Purist! That was my second run in the Rim.

  13. "my only surviving vampire, no legs/arm, 100% burn, starvation and bloodthirst for amost a year"

  14. wish i was spy so that i could go invis and just watch from the corner or even ligthly lick medics sweaty back as he thrusted into heavy from behind it would be so erotic maybe i could even disugise myself and join them spanking heavys flat ass as medic sucked his sweet honey nuts and massaged my butthole ughghg

  15. pretty sure hes a commie who likes rambling about history and politics to his family members. i mean his pfp has the hammer and sickle afterall soo....

  16. it's a FT flame based war paint with a hot unusual effect. it with sell pretty well.

  17. I was born in 2008 and I never watched based “pewdopie”, but I have always played woke Toby fox gamings and watched my awkwardsauce life

  18. This has been bothering me for over a week now. Why is it so inconsistent?!?!

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