
  1. I guess I would be arrested for hunting Griffons and cyclopse?

  2. The elite hunters do this, and its not just one more hit, they are just quickly bleeding out so it ushally just means a chance at one more hit.

  3. Having multiplayer is having coop. Being multiplayer is like the game is a MMO (which Vindictus: Defying Fate is not).

  4. Having multiplayer means the game is multiplayer..... MMOs are Massively Multiplayer. not just Multiplayer games. A single player game has NO multiplayer. Dragons Dogma 2 is a single player game with systems that implement other players. A game with coop is just multiplayer.

  5. Try not to act so stupid, what they said is very easily understandable. A multiplayer game is a game focused on multiplayer. A single player game can have co-op multiplayer, but that does not make it a multiplayer game.

  6. A game having coop literally makes it a multiplayer game... wtf are you people on about?

  7. I can't believe a 2-year-old comment just got a reply. But Magneto is a separatist and Fascism is imperialist. His attempts to form nations were mostly on asteroids; he never tried to conquer his neighbors. He's also definitely not a populist, and populism is fundamental to Fascism. The Acolytes sought him out; he did not want their worship. More arguably, Fabian Cortéz was a fascist, and Magneto hated him.

  8. What do you mean Magnetis literal first goal was to take over the world and install Homo Superior (what he called mutants) to power over the inferior humans.

  9. This is super old, but they are doing Vinland Saga Deluxe now.

  10. Brah.... are you serious? That word has been so overused that you clowns are going to throw it around like it's facts. Take your L 🤣

  11. The weirdest part of these comments is people somehow think controller is better than mouse and keyboard for an FPS lol.

  12. Apparently they only needed 8 calamities to free zodiark because they’d be powerful enough by then to tip the balance towards the darkness. Which has some interesting repercussions for the alternate timeline G’raha left… per the side stories, Midgardsormr is going to help the humans in the alternate source rebuild after the 8th umbral calamity. But in that timeline, Emet Selch and Elidibus are both still alive, meaning they could still go unlock Zodiark and restore the ancients. But then Meteion is also still alive, which shouldn’t be too much of a problem since Zodiark’s Aether protects the world. Hydealyn would be toast, but the Ancients would rise again.

  13. But the ancients rising would give way to the final days again, since they refuse to chill.

  14. Thank god the game uses few sliders, if it had bone structure customization and no saveable presets it would be hell remaking a character. With this creation I can at least remake my characters off just an image of them in a couple minutes.

  15. I don't remember being in both world war 1 and 2. Maybe I have PTSD????

  16. You do know that quote proved my point right oden was the factor Yamato would have never wanted to be a man if not for oden therefore she is not trans and this whole yamato gender thing is not a trans thing but an idolization it’s not like kiku who wanted to be a woman because that’s what she wanted not because of somebody else

  17. It didn't prove your point, the fact you think it did is the very proof your point is ignorant of what trans even is lol.

  18. Yeah, that's meant to happen. I think it takes two people to beat one, but usually when I'm in the gulag there are two of them right next to each other so it never works.

  19. Nah you can do it solo with well placed rock throws. Hitting them in the head stuns them.

  20. Your opinion, as an RPG I thought it had fantastic combat

  21. But does it have the nest combat in RPGs? Definitely not. So could you honestly give it a 10/10?

  22. Nah, Witcher 3s combat is ass. Its gets a 10/10 in most cases, but that gameplay definitely takes a hit.

  23. I legit just gave you examples of cod doing it before Fortnite

  24. I mean, if you want the original original crossover game you would likely be lookingat like, Tony Hawk.

  25. what planet are you living on… her revive is what you are describing, gives her adaptability as a feature outside her regular heals, it’s a great safeguard as well as the extra max hp and especially the damage reduction for allies.

  26. Except a revive still falls entire within the confines of healing. Like, thats not rocket science. Healing falls under healing, revive is healing.

  27. What does that have to do with anything, you cannot normally heal a character back from the dead you’re literally arguing about the least significant thing. Luocha is a healer why doesn’t he just heal characters back to life then?

  28. "You are one one pushing this, which is why I continue to say you are wrong." Bro, it takes two to tango as they say. Your dishonest attempts at trying to make me seem unteasonable is hilarious though.

  29. The difference between a good written character and a poor one go figures

  30. Abby is a well written character, you are just salty.

  31. Compared to Neegan Abby is a blank piece of paper with no depth nor redemption btw Ive notice you've been replying to everyone who doesnt like Abby character so you are the salty one in here.

  32. I saw you say alot of words that none of which are a fuckin point mate.

  33. Sure, if your an idiot who doesn't realize Elden Rings a multiplat vs Part 2 which is playstation exclusive.

  34. You're an idiot if you think that makes a difference. The ps4 sold over 100 million units dummy. Elden Rings sales were mostly on ps4 estimating around 15 million copies were sold at full price.

  35. To put it in perspective, the best selling xbox only game ever only hit 8.46 million. So TLOU2 Outperformed literally any game ever release exclusively for xbox lol.

  36. Bro, God of War Ragnarok sold 11 million, only 1 million more than TLOU 2 and was considered a smashing success lol. Your fucking stupid if you think a game thats not a nintendo first party will do better. The only reason the original Last of Us hit 20 million is because it release 3 seperate times on 2 platfforms lol.

  37. Yes I tell you nihility with the right stuff damaged the heck out of my enemies- Like i heard from my brother the hunt is neat But i like nihility the most

  38. I prefer having 15 turns and the enemy never going. So I will stick with hunt for now.

  39. Im pretty sure you need to complete the ebon deer quest first but if you do then check the doors one should can be opened

  40. I have completed the story ages ago This just only came up cause I am trying to grind out traces for Luocha. Both doors are locked from the other side.

  41. Alright you need to go back to top right and you will find a bridge there to the right I think near the deer boss fight

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