
  1. Guaranteed way, but slow: grab them & backstab. If you time the back stabs in an off rhythm fashion, you can backstab them indefinitely rather than repeatedly grabbing them.

  2. Wait so they won't betray me if I keep backstabbing them?

  3. If I’m not mistaken it used to happen when you fulfill the required amount for the quest, then continue gathering/using console commands for more (double checked) it looks as if you ate some before turning in the quest!

  4. Father poochi was damn near unstoppable so that's an easy dub

  5. Yo man, could you ask Mcpoggerson to add me? My username is tiddymuncher1

  6. There's no reaction here either, could you add me to the discord? @eggswaffles my old discord is down

  7. is she form dark souls one or two

  8. ah thank you for answering me

  9. The person who is being written on doesn’t need to read/see anything. Rohan just adds story beats/details to the overall plot of their life

  10. No, to activate his power (with the comic thing) one needs to see the page itself, I forgot it had to be the pictures and not the strip of text

  11. You can parry almost all of his attacks, just make sure you parry before they hit you and not during

  12. Be careful when you get back to that lamp's area, there are 3 NPC hunters in the big atrium waiting to gank you

  13. Wait, will adella be there? I need to do her quest for the third umbilical cord piece

  14. No, she buggers off after Rom died if you haven't already sent her to Oedan chapel

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