
  1. You can absolutely overwatch them when they come in, and a judge would've told him that he was cheating. On that note, depending on when you played this game, that list was not legal. Assuming you meant last unit to be Imotekh the Stormlord, his list is 1255 points after the update. The fact that you still won against someone not only running 4 C'tan, but cheating as well is something you should be proud of.

  2. Idk, I'm going off second hand info who said he was running suicide-gron with the two super heavy.

  3. The one who went 4-1 but didn't win had 2 LoS, Jack Harpster is the one who won running 1 LoS with the 2 chaos spawn. Interestingly, he's responsible for 3 of our 4 GT wins. He made the 1985 list originally, and his teammate took it to and won the California Cup GT. The 4th was an early and small tournament at an LGS in Ohio. If the only 2 people able to win tournaments with a faction are high ranked professional players who do 40k for a living, something is wrong with the faction. 

  4. They won one last week I think. Same as Tsons. I was so hopeful for W.E. I think that army is one of the cooler ones. I think last week is gonna turn out to be an outlier as people took time to adjust to the new dataslate.

  5. But that was also them being piloted by Jack from Art of War, one of the best players in the world and likely the best World Eaters player. Who was also the first WE player to win a GT in 10th and pioneered the 1985 list. He is definitely an outlier, because he would likely win regardless of what army he was playing. With the overzealous nerfs combined with the return of the golden boogeymen as both one of the strongest and most popular armies, I think WE are going to struggle unless either an emergency update happens, or they have to wait for the next one.  A 13% drop in winrate should be indicative of a major overcorrection.

  6. If the trend we're seeing emerge from Meta Monday's stat tracking is to be believed, World Eaters are currently the worst performing army in the game at 39%. Only a single WE player even placed across all the GTs, and it was a suicide Angron, double Lord of Skulls list. As things are, it's looking like the initial reactions to the nerfs may have been justified. A big factor in it to consider is that Custodes are back as a top 3 army for performance as well as players, and they're one of our worst matchups.

  7. He's an okay top laner, but they should still replace him with someone who can check their ego at the door and actually contribute towards teamwork and listen instead of doing what they want and repeatedly cost their team the game. Hopefully someone without his arrogance and undeserved sense of superiority.

  8. The top laners in LCS are actually good though, unless your definition of not low is literally the Bin/Kiin tier

  9. That's delusional cope. NA as a whole is not good and shouldn't even be considered a major region. And Fudge in particular is an embarrassment both as a player and a person. Too arrogant for his own good, without the performance to back it up.

  10. Every game with TL at worlds felt like Pyosik trying to carry dead weight. It genuinely felt like he was the only player on TL actually trying to win. I know everyone is going after Yeon and Core JJ, but I feel like Summit was the standout worst. The T1 loss was 100% his fault. If he doesn't leave, and he should if he wants to be competitive, they should build around Pyosik, after firing Summit, Yeon, and CoreJJ.

  11. Her E is either disengage or stun, if you are dumb enough to waste it before using W you deserve to die.

  12. I'm guessing English was not your strong suite. You can W go in, get out with your E, and be having to sit there and wait for 7+ seconds for the E to come back, or you just suicide if you try to fight with your W because you can't get out and you can't fight back without it.

  13. Considering we're only "durable" if we can get close or tag something with a Helbrute for the -1ws/bs, I doubt much is really going to change. It's still going to be Demon Engine spam, now with some deep strike units. The -1 to their saves is probably better honestly, since the Demon Engines were still going to be tough on their own. Lessening the cost of plague marines doesn't change the fact that they're still useless for the most part aside from bodyblocking for a Tallyman in the back. They're still just as easy to kill, and too slow to do anything unless dropped off by a rhino.

  14. I love all the edgelords trying to bring down all the user reviews and giving it poor scores 😅

  15. You're delusional kid. If you look at the user reviews, most are giving it between 3s-5s with genuine criticism. The fake reviews are from fanboys leaving 10s for this buggy mess.

  16. Bought and paid for access journalism. You're going to have to face reality, the game is mid. Down to 3.1 out of 5 on gamepass so far.

  17. Yep, and the delusional fanboys are treating every justly deserved criticism as the end of their world. Bethesda is a trash company that hasn't made anything good since Skyrim and has consistently published garbage, and mistreated people and studios who worked on those published games.

  18. It's funny how poorly aged the comments of the people defending the Eldar have aged in such a short span of time. As of writing this comment Aeldari have won 55 of the 113 GTs worldwide so far in 10th with a 64% winrate for 10th edition. In just over 2 months of 10th edition, Eldar are 13 wins away from having more wins than the most successful factions, Tyranids, did in 9th edition at 72 wins across 2 years. Depending on how they go about implementing the nerfs with this upcoming balance update, I think its past time for GTs to follow Bugeater's example and ban Eldar for the health of the competitive scene.

  19. The Leffen games were by far the most hype ones lol. Did you see the one vs PepperySplash? That shit was insane.

  20. The only people hyped were his fanboys. His games were lame, just like how he played. He didn't deserve that win.

  21. Leffen x HC combination was too strong to overcome.

  22. I mean, what this says to me is that our stats are overtuned. If we're able to get by at a 50+% winrate just based on the fact that our sheets are that good, with very little need for a rule that we should have, I feel like that's just begging for a nerf. It's degenerate play. Were not winning cause we're good or tactical or playing the game, we're winning cause we're just the current bully in the playground.

  23. Where are you seeing a 50% winrate? Based on goonhammer's stats, CK are down to a 43% after the unnecessary nerfs, while IK are still above 60%. GT performance for the past weekend also had CK at 43%. We were barely holding onto a balanced position, and got caught in the crossfire and are now underperforming.

  24. Some guy just came second at a tournament with deathguard, going 5 wins to 0. Death guard have lost some defensive traits that worked with their fluff of being mostly unkillable, but they aren't as bad as the death guard community in particular has been fearing.

  25. Buddy, that dude was an exception. Considering that DG are at a 33.8% winrate, they are in fact that bad. They were dead last, but in the last few days, T'au dropped below them at 33.2%.

  26. Imo and not to mention looking at tournament results, CK we’re getting propped up by a powerful model range putting them top tier despite not really having a notable army ability. Gonna suck for a bit for them now, but hopefully them scoring poorly for a bit helps show off the underlying issue with the army

  27. CK were not top tier. They were just barely in GWs target range range for balance. Now they'll likely drop below that range.

  28. Admech has been performing better than most of the armies in the game, time to stop whining.

  29. Its literally a week and half into the editions life cycle. What dataset is there to work on? There's tourney data for what, 3 weeks at most? Which isn't exactly a robust one.

  30. Towering was not the problem. If it were, Chaos Knights would've been at the top of the win-rates and dominating tournaments as well. They just pushed up to 49% this past week, and had been sitting at 46% previously. Tau are at the bottom of performances with only Death Guard doing worse, yet got their 2 towering units nerfed.

  31. I hope enough DG players show up to tournaments that we can show what our win rate is. If nothing else it's something to shove down the throats of all the dipshits who came in here telling us to quit whining about not being op.

  32. First tournaments happened this past weekend and the stats are out for them now. 2nd to last in GTs with 35% and dead last for RTTs at 26%. Point changes won't fix the army other than increasing the price to collect it, functionally the army does not work at the base level.

  33. Uh, we weren't even part of the roadmap for codex releases, so we're looking at a minimum of 18 months before we get ours. If that's "in the near future" I don't want to know what they consider a a long time.

  34. Honestly you guys always kind of been a tank army. Pbc have literally been a staple of majority of lists for quite a while until the indirect fire nerf.

  35. Pretty sure they meant tank as in tanky, not literal tanks, but even those got worse and overcosted.

  36. Death Guard still look the best imo, I'm still new to this hobby (gameplay wise) isn't it the meme for codex's to almost be obsolete after they've released it? I feel like they want SM to look at good as possible for the release of 10th and in a year or so chaos armies will be buffed. We are inevitable you can't stop entropy.

  37. The meme refers to the periodically released codexes that are all being outmoded with the new edition. What we just got is the index which will be the basis of the army for 10th edition. Don't get your hopes up too much, we've been left as subpar for about 2 years now, and with the new seemingly targeted contempt for our existence, don't expect that to change too much.

  38. It will get better. Every army has its low points (hahaha low points). But let's hope that with the wet response to the indexes some more effort is put into the codex.

  39. What makes you think they're going to give us any improvements when they've been more than happy to leave us being subpar for the better part of the 2 past years?

  40. Honestly, I'm surprised you haven't been banned yet since all you do here is be vitriolic and argumentive.

  41. Nope, if you take 6-10 it is 200 points regardless of how many are physically there. There are no more individuals ppm unless a unit specifically says that they have it.

  42. I'm out boys, you're all braver than I am, I'm switching to Tyranids lol

  43. Swapping to World Eaters here. Got the combat patrol and a squad of 3 war dogs to start it off.

  44. Do they have the points values? The rules might be crap but if the points come in low enough we could at least mob the board for wins!

  45. We'll know on Friday, but based on the KC open game that was streamed, we went up in points

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