
  1. Could be about the other 4 people he manipulated for his sacrifice

  2. Could be an adventure where the party needs to help the souls pass on into the afterlife

  3. Just because the EU ain’t main canon anymore doesn’t mean it’s a fanfic

  4. Reminds me of the game gtfo where there’s an enemy with long tendrils that will alert the horde if you touch them.

  5. TitanFall 2. The gameplay was just everything I wanted from running at incredibly high speeds shooting at blurs to jumping into a titan and destroying everything.

  6. That is if you got a community to do it with. Don't get me wrong, the game is amazing and so is the modding community.. But finding a group to do missions with is hard. A good chunk are so hardcore rp that if you forget to say "SIR" or don't keep a formation while walking from point a to b you are thrown out.

  7. If you want good arma content I would look up rubix raptor, he’s a YouTuber with a big group that does constant arma missions. I think that there are openings to join but I don’t know how to myself.

  8. What are some books I should read as someone interested in digging into the lore of 40k

  9. Komodo dragon’s technically aren’t venomous I think they just have nasty mouth bacteria

  10. That's why I don't share my Black Templar/Space Wolves chimeric gene-seed chapter.

  11. I’m more of a brook as franky fan but I see where you’re coming from

  12. I’ve been to one of killing fields and the stuff that happened there is truly horrifying.

  13. I feel like nearly all of CSM’s deaths are impactful specifically because they are so sudden. Villains just don’t sit around waiting for the perfect story moment to act. They’re constantly working in the background to their own ends and what we see is just their plans paying off.

  14. That’s what I love the most about Fujimoto killing off characters is that each and everyone one of them has something really really interesting about them, and each time one of them dies I feel the loss of what could have been a great addition to the story, but that feeling of loss adds so much more as well and helps to remind you that none of the characters are safe in this series, as we can see at the end of the first act.

  15. Denji's memory of murdering his dad was fabricated by Makima, and his true hidden memory is something else entirely.

  16. It’s not about the number of people it’s about the resources of the planet. The imperium will always have fresh bodies but they don’t have infinite planets

  17. It's insane how similar reading this was to reading a chapter of any of his works

  18. The perfect set up of what you think might happen, to doing a completely 180 into a backflip over a flaming car to get to the actual result. Just like the most recent chapter

  19. I can’t escape the bizarreness of JoJo even in my new favorite fanbase.

  20. I like that for the scene of Luffy punching Arlong the art style got better just for that and it goes right back to normal afterwards

  21. Even if the skin is literally as tough as iron, it won't be that much of a difference, because if the slayer's assault rifle fires .50 calibre rounds and those can kill the demons, then a lasgun can definitely kill the demons as each shot is more powerful than the slayer's assault rifle.

  22. Isn’t the doom slayers weaponry powered up by the argent energy he gets from killing demons, thus making it more powerful and able to damage the demons

  23. I think it might be a possibility if we get a moment where he loses control of his powers, similar to ken kaneki in Tokyo ghoul where he would be pushed to the brink of death and start losing his mind. Could be interesting to see the aftermath of that if it does happen

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