
  1. the earth is not round or flat, it’s an oval, because the sun makes the equator bulge

  2. almost because the moon and earths own rotation have a larger effect on the shape than the sun

  3. Charges destruction spell "i'm not yout guy, homie"

  4. Cracks knuckles "I'm not your homie, man."

  5. Your English is better than most people that speak it as a first language, certainly better than my German.

  6. [Manual translation] "Good morning, my name is Walrus. How are you doing?

  7. Or the most expensive brands/closest to best by dates.

  8. Until you take it out of context, it's possible to overlook just how deranged the assertion "Employee meetings are for after work" is.

  9. if meetings are for after work then why show up to em? if im not payed to be at an employee meeting im not going.

  10. The Wii ( WEE) is a home video game console developed and marketed by Nintendo. It was released on November 19, 2006, in North America and in December 2006 for most other regions of the world.

  11. so i dont usually keep the same names for any of em but the most notable name ive had was Titan for the seamoth and it was because it was my first time in subnautica using a controller XD

  12. What about cactus juice? It's the quenchiest!

  13. Tipping is still somewhat expected in Germany, as many servers see it as a critique of their service if you dont tip. But you only tip to round up the check to a nice number.

  14. that makes sense to me because the guide also says that germany does cash alot

  15. Definitely not a “bro“ and I don’t even know what gatekeeping means. Just a simple comment to provoke thought that one can lie awake and mull over in their mind, if they choose. Sort of like a “butterfly effect“ scenario.

  16. just because you dont know what the word for a thing is doesnt mean you arent doing it. for example if someone doesnt know the meaning of speeding however they are driving at speeds above the speed limit they are still speeding even though they dont know the meaning of speeding

  17. give ethiopia all of the coastlines

  18. technically the downloading part isnt illegal just the distribution

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