
  1. Wouldn't he be basically the same, since he has both AD and AP ratios they both get flipped would be around same numbers lol

  2. q ratio is like 50% of bonus AD and his ap ratio is 90%. If he AD ratio was 90% he would be hitting a lot harder.

  3. Why does it feel like G2 took Fnatic's god awful showing yesterday personally, Caps is him man.

  4. You still can’t convince me FNC didn’t fluke, still think they win 8-9 out of 10 times

  5. Keep disrespecting APA, surely he isn’t good enough to carry even on his signature champs right?

  6. I always thought FNC always had awful drafts even in LEC, I don't know why they don't change their coach or get an experienced assistant coach

  7. bro i swear if FNC lose this just for TL to go 0-3 vs LPL/LCK again i will lose it

  8. Well....GenG is the only "tournament Favorite" team who have yet to drop a game while BLG and T1 got pushed to game 5 so...its still them at least (?) As long they are not doing the GenG's International Special

  9. Even though they didn't drop a game they looked very exploitable especially through bot

  10. G2 doesn't beat LCK teams anymore you can have them back

  11. You did infact NOT hit all range augments. You missed the silver one.

  12. imagine trist wisdom of ages with all 3 ranged augs and level 23 she would literally auto from across map

  13. Selfmade's career trajectory was sad to watch ngl from one of the best junglers in LEC going head to head with the best in the world to playing in arabian erl what a waste of talent

  14. I mean Arabian league has made EMEA finals in their first appearance and their other team was also very competitive so, also his midlaner MG was rank 2 on kr server literally a week ago, i think now he's hovering around top 10 though

  15. FNC genuinely doesn't even look that bad. Like Huma needs to lock in and stop alt tabbing randomly as well as stop giving ksante merchant his champ

  16. put huma on lb or ahri, something that can control the map please

  17. Thanks! I mean it's not the biggest issue for me either, I think even if I just have fun for 20 hours it will still be worth it. But I think I'll wait until full release then

  18. If you enjoyed Hades 1 I think you'll love Hades 2, imo it's even better than the 1st one

  19. I mean being target banned like this isn't even an achievement, literally means TES thinks you're a 2-3 trick pony

  20. why do i feel like this will end just like NRG vs Weibo

  21. Shouldnt FNC be the 2nd spot and TL the 3rd? TES beat FNC in play ins already.

  22. TES would've gotten 2-0'd if Noah wasn't astro gapped

  23. here it comes, the western copium provided by eastern players

  24. I mean he's literally almost forced to say this, he got solo killed by one of the worse LEC tops lol

  25. Hupu hates Tian more than Kendrick hates Drake

  26. Bro I'm still mind boggled how Tian is on the 2nd strongest LPL team, even H4cker would do better internationally

  27. i get Tian does a bit better domestically but i mean internationally he's way worse, I'd have more faith in H4cker xdd

  28. Thing is if G2 beat T1 they'll have confidence to take it all the way, but if they just beat TES then it's like oh nice, we beat the weakest of the 4 Asian teams

  29. I feel like he plays for the best team he can get rather than the region. I feel as if he got good enough offers in EU he would go there to compete instead in a heart beat. Which IMO is fine, but don't expect fans to be on your side if you do something that rubs them the wrong way. If you don't care about the region then neither will the fans of that region care about you.

  30. So curious what is he suppose to say, "NA teams are so strong and we are going to destroy GenG/BLG"? Bro he's literally just saying water is wet just in a different way.

  31. Not sure if you played PBE but there were dozens if not over a hundred bugs and I'm sure 80-90% of them were never fixed when they hit live lol

  32. Guma talked last year about how in pro, something like a 20 cs gap on adc is basically gg

  33. idk why FNC coaches don't push on improving his laning he got cs gapped alot of times in LEC as well

  34. If they are, they will be instantly snatched by NA like Huni and Reignover were

  35. but that means SK will get world semifinals, so i'm down for that

  36. NighT, Hachani, Mowgli, Naehyun, Emperor, Wisdom, Police, Veritas, Mightybear, Expect, Sonstar, Move, Parang, Raise, Profit, Blanc, Ruin, Totoro, Bvoy, Hirit, Mickey, Malrang, Haru, Peach, Chasy, JeongHoon, Ruby, Ice, Noah, Jun... and now these two join the Korean passport job stealer list

  37. Who the fuck was Ice and Jun before they got all pro LEC, maybe EU natives should practice harder instead of fucking around too much ? Maybe ERL leagues like LFL should stop handing out contracts to 28year olds who have played for 10 years like Eika/Cabo/Febiven/Steelback and actually invest into the younger generation? Also like half those players you mentioned actually lifted up the level of LEC and you didn't even name the S-Tier imports like Trick/Ignar/Huni/RO/Ryu lool

  38. There has to be something wrong with Bo backstage. 2nd team with him that doesn't keep him despite being an amazing player.

  39. tbh this wasn't a fair 2nd chance at all, he literally had the worst teammates in literally all 4 other roles this year

  40. Well yeah sure but still getting kicked while performing the best in the team says something

  41. They already told the reasoning for it, they couldn't build a roster to facilitate Bo + they wanted a main shotcaller in JG

  42. Wasn't LAN + LAS 20 teams before? They merged not that long ago and are now less than 1/3rd of the amount of teams now lol

  43. wasn't it 10 last year? or am i remembering it wrong, either way 20 -> 6 teams is crazy

  44. Well Knight is playing a champ that he played like twice in LPL and didn't touch it later on. Also Caps is playing Orianna

  45. I hate this argument just because even if he showed it twice on stage that doesn't mean he couldn't have practiced it dozens of times in scrims, Hwei is a very popular champ across all regions

  46. Hard agree here. Carzzy is by far the best EU adc atm and its not really even close tbh...

  47. whats reasoning for him over Ice? i swear everytime i tune into a BDS game he's like 8/0/5 every game

  48. It's a good list, maybe Photon, but i'm not strong on that, otherwise I agree

  49. Photon actually got robbed, he's been 1v9 on a much worse team and BB showed nothing special besides 1-2 rek sai games all split

  50. Poe ist just hardcore gapping mid

  51. i didnt watch game 2 but didn't mireu actually get griefed game 1, i saw his support rakan w'ing an azir with ult under tower and just giving him like 3 kills for free

  52. yes and same hoon that was a 10th place LCS reject and now in EMEA finals lol

  53. No one is gonna pick him anyway, the champ is absolutely garbage after the nerfs

  54. the last 2 patches he got some small buffs so maybe

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