
  1. I'm actually surprised there were 90 players just from the state of Okalahoma that could afford to pay their own way, given they were there long enough for three exhibition games, plus the travel. That couldn't have been cheap.

  2. 89. Everything was still affordable back then and people weren’t bouje AF

  3. So many teams on our schedule ranked ahead of us.. can’t wait. And to be honest I feel pretty damn confident with 4 of them and just a bit iffy with 2.

  4. Well sometimes a team can win by 21-24 and the score doesn’t reflect how close the game really was. Maybe a late scoop and score or a couple late turnovers made the difference but game was relatively close until mid to end of 4th quarter. I would just say a “blowout” is total control of the game, dominating both sides of the ball and a 4+ possession difference.

  5. Looks good. Did you wrap or just open smoke the whole time?

  6. A bit bias but the Sooners are cool/unique with it being connected with the history of the state, and buckeyes and fighting Irish have also always been cool/unique mascot/nicknames to me too

  7. After reading these comments I need to clean mine more often it sounds like. I literally just dump the ash bucket after every 2-3 cooks. Way too much grease droppings on mine but haven’t had a flare up yet.. I had a buddy tell me if you cover the plate with foil you don’t get as good smoke and smoke ring? I was skeptical but still haven’t ever used foil under the grates.. Anybody care to comment on that? I need to do a really good deep clean and would love to use foil to keep clean up easier after. And I am seeing ash dust in my corners, is this because I need to use a shop vac and get the ash out better instead of just dumping?

  8. Screw "ground zero". Scrape and scrub it real hard while hot and with water/steam. Reseason once or twice if it seems necessary. And keep cooking.

  9. Completely agree, this doesn’t need stripped. But if you really wanna go there.. wire wheel

  10. Gerald McCoy gotta be running at least 3rd, behind AD and Trent.

  11. Came here to say Trent Williams, AD, Gerald McCoy and also probably in that order. Hard not to put AD at 1 though. But TW is arguably the best left tackle in the NFL since the turn of the century

  12. Damn, he was slick Willy already at the age of 12.

  13. Come on mods. This is petty and a bit sus.

  14. This sub is a dumpster fire these days. After they banned Kevin, there really isn’t any credibility left. You can tell by the engagement alone that a lot of folk have stepped away. I guess that was the plan all along, right plat? 😉

  15. I’ve definitely stepped away. I for sure scroll through as a lurker almost daily. But I’ve been around since the sneeze and you’re right, the engagement in the sub is way different. To me it’s all noise. And DRS and book is all that matters.

  16. Do it. I don’t comment much anymore in any of the GME subs. But moderators should be held accountable.

  17. Whatever you do don’t get it piping hot and pour water on it like one person said. You could warp it doing that.. looks like you use way too much oil and don’t clean it good enough. Plug the grease trap, let a water-vinegar-baking soda solution soak on it for awhile, let it drain/wipe dry, hit it really good with a wire wheel and then clean it all up with clean water.. then crank those burners up and re season. Keep the oil super thin and let it completely burn off before you add anymore oil. And when you start cooking again, make sure you clean that girl good when you’re done with each cook and leave a thin layer of oil on it when you put it away in between cooks so it don’t happen again.

  18. Been wanting to do some cheesesteaks in wraps instead of on hoagies for awhile. Think you gave me the inspiration to finally do it lol

  19. Used to be a 9 but have regressed to an 8.. no longer making a small donation and holding season tickets. Getting married and having 5 kids changed a lot lol.. would still totally watch a game on my phone at a wedding though. One year I had about 7-8 people huddle around me at a wedding when Rodney Anderson took it to the house against K State in the final second to clinch it for the Sooners. And it drives my wife insane that during football season, the entire weekend is nothing but football, between local high school on Friday, college on Saturday and then managing multiple fantasy teams and watching NfL red zone all day on Sundays lol.. good times

  20. Saw two comments that mentioned it. The correct answer is that’s where the welding tacks on the bottom are located. Nothing to worry about whatsoever. Crank it up and season

  21. Nebraska for sure and Tulsa.. not sure they like us all that much but I have always liked/respected k state. Fair share of k state fans up here in northern OK and I like the ones I’ve come across. They probs don’t like us but think the respect is there. Bob stoops and Venables both go way back with ol Snyder. And I absolutely love that wabash canonball song!

  22. Yup. What the other guy said. Wire wheel and your golden. Plug that grease trap and put some vinegar-water-baking soda solution on there to loosen up the rust. Wipe up before hitting with wheel though. Then after that maybe a clean up with the solution, followed by clean water and wipe dry. Crank them burners up for a burn off, about when you start seeing a little discoloration from the heat then begin your re season

  23. Post link of page in comments, wouldn’t mind picking one up!

  24. You’ll hear everyone say grape seed oil is the best which it most likely is.. but the blackstone brand seasoning they have is essentially crisco. And that’s what I used was crisco and it worked beautifully.

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