
  1. my guy is nearing 60 lol wouldn't exactly call this a fair fight.

  2. You should check out little gigs at places like Bodega or Ol' Salutation. Lots of like minded people there who are really friendly in my experience!

  3. 10 years of GD experience can typically pay pretty well, especially when senior level design positions are very sought after. I wouldn’t necessarily let go of a decade of experience to start over in a different industry back at the bottom of the ladder. And just a word of caution, depending on what engineering discipline, it’s not immune to over saturation or low base level pay either.

  4. I completely get what you're saying. My hope is that it wouldn't be a case of starting at the bottom again, more like transitioning into an engineering role.

  5. Gotcha. Well I’m not gonna try to convince you otherwise, just more so trying to understand. I think the easiest transition from GD to engineering would be software based drafting. You have all the skill sets already to use computers and technical software, so I would start learning CAD programs ASAP. SolidWorks and other similar programs can make that transition faster, idk about easier. Good luck!

  6. I wasnt trying to come across difficult, I appreciate your advice greatly!

  7. Mate you look good! especially in with the jacket.

  8. My first tattoo was lower forearm and about the same size. Don't worry the tattooist should guide you through it and with any luck calm any nerves (make sure to ask any questions that you have). My first lasted about 2 hours and I basically just had a chat with my tattooist the whole time, but I'd suggest bringing some earphones so you can just listen to music or scroll on your phone to kill time and take your mind off the feeling. Also my tattoo safety net is I always bring a bottle of lucazade sport, helps me maintain my blood sugar levels. Any questions, I'll be happy to answer!

  9. Nah, I dont know nor care who the guy is but the "people only build muscle for vanity" is absolute bullshit and needs to stop.

  10. Think OP means posing shirtless on social media is vain, not just being fit lol

  11. stuck in a rut in my life and I always find doing something outside my comfort zone forces me out of that rut

  12. You only clap if I'm black? that seems targeted lol

  13. Always going to look worse with damp hair, but yeah Id embrace it and go short with the hair bud.

  14. What a complete caveman take on the situation lol

  15. my "better take" is to just wait and stop whining.

  16. Reckon you could caramalise the onions a little longer to get them a bit softer. but other than that small detail looks bloody stunning! would definitely scran all of that!

  17. ask him for the punchline if it is a joke. Huge noncey red flag

  18. Mine is called "Hung" lmao (sorry, I don't usually have such bad taste in names when naming my horses or animals in games, but tbf he probably is hung)

  19. Im a fellow bad taste haver, mines called "hunglikea"

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