
  1. Lmaoooo why isn’t this upvoted infinity

  2. He then ordered an industrial sized colostomy bag

  3. They don’t want to touch it because it’s over. He is guilty. The end.

  4. Just like the proud girl Tarrio said he wouldn’t go quietly then did go quietly in his tightie whities

  5. Nobody makes enough when Mayo is $8 a jar.

  6. I love that Tate acts like he’s some supreme specimen. He has an egg head with no chin. He looks like he can’t fold a towel. I have teenage sons and they don’t even know who he is or at least they’d flip right past his nonsense. Peterson is just a long winded joke that sounds like Kermit the frog on helium. He babbles on about how everybody but him is in the dark. It’s all just noise for lonely incels.

  7. Unpopular opinion, Joe's unwillingness to riff or lack of awareness is kinda funny. He takes statements literally and relates it to what he knows about. Theo and Joe are polar opposites in that respect; Theo just says things way out of the left field and Joe has to corral him and Theo seemingly likes the challenge of sneaking jokes in when the conversation veers towards educational.

  8. Joe is a dipshit if the guest is better than him. Theo always stumps him.

  9. The show is “I Think You Should Leave” and I’m cracking the fuck up

  10. Started watching it last night. Hilarious

  11. His defense: I thought Grindr was for welding assistants to network.

  12. That guy did explain it very well When Pearl Jam went against them they pressured vendors and venues to not allow the band to play. I saw Pearl Jam for $12 that year but the smaller ticket company couldn’t keep up. It’s insane.

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