
  1. the gun gameplay didn’t really add much to the experience. The different guns didn’t offer any variety other than “how many times u need to press the B button before the enemy dies”. Plus the game auto-aims for u with a majority of them. The only instances of them doing something somewhat engaging was in levels like Mad Matrix , where u have to shoot floating switches to open pathways. They could have taken the guns out, and nerfed the bloated health bars of tankier enemies, and nothing of value would have been lost.

  2. Halo CE or Halo Reach are ur 2 best options. Reach was the first game in the series that I played, personally, and I think it was a great introduction to the world and gameplay. Its a prequel to Halo CE, so jumping into that game right after felt natural. Release order is also a great option, of course- starting at same place that a majority of Halo fans started at, and watching the games naturally evolve with each release is a cool experience

  3. I got the same email. I’ve actually purchased products from them before, so it’s not a scam. But the “accidental” email is most likely fake and just a marketing attempt if multiple people have gotten the same one.

  4. Overwatch is a great case study for how not to handle your game.

  5. Toa Hahli, specifically from the Mahri series

  6. I feel like Faust should be higher- I feel like he, at the very least, knows the rules

  7. I like Infinite's art style and gameplay more. I think they feel like the most natural evolution of the gameplay and style from the Bungie era that we've gotten so far. And the new sandbox additions like the grappleshot and the wasp are awesome! This is a minor thing, but I also like that the teams no longer change your armor's colors- I was always annoyed about that in past games, like "If you're gonna force my armor to be all red or all blue when I play online, then why let me customize the color of it at all?"

  8. How many times do we have to tell people not to fuck with wild animals before they learn not to fuck with wild animals

  9. because you can still stay slim, even when eating junk, if you maintain regular exercise and count your calories

  10. If we delete Sonic and the Secret Rings, then Sonic Team would have had the manpower to make Sonic 06 a better game. On the other hand, if Sega didn’t learn from the mistakes of 06, we wouldn’t have gotten Unleashed 🤔

  11. This post is the thing that taught me that u can attach the flag to the back of a Razerback. Never knew that until today lmao

  12. I had the same question, from the answers I got it seems like this the in-game debut of a new song called 'Daybreaker Anthem'

  13. Oyster Clogs. By far the ugliest piece of gear! Gray shoes with brown leather, purple soles, and green socks? No thank you

  14. Both are great, but 8 is objectively better on a technical level, and offers more content. But Wii has a very nostalgic charm to it that can’t be beat. I love Wii’s kart and bike designs, and it’s tracks are timeless.

  15. Mine is “Gracidea”, named after Shaymin’s flower in Pokémon 😁

  16. I agree with OP. I almost exclusively listen to the Zebrahead Version, and I often forget that the Crush 40 version even exists

  17. Currently the consensus is that it's a clone that Asuka made specifically to fight people, while he stays on the moon doing his podcast

  18. I’ve definitely (and embarrassingly) had salty moments and DC’d a few times in the past, I’m just hoping it hasn’t been enough for me to get the skull and I’ve been walking around with this thing on my R-Code without me knowing 😅

  19. style and comfort. In the real world, contacts are annoying to put in and take out, and lasik is scary, so people wear glasses. Plus, glasses can be an accessory, not just a medical need, so people like wearing them for fashion. I imagine it’s the same case in Cyberpunk. Sure, you can get super advanced robo eyes, but maybe u don’t want surgery on your face, or you just think ray-bans look sexy 😎

  20. As a beginner player, you shouldn't be worrying about tier lists. You should play whoever you think looks cool and you enjoy playing. If you switch to a character you don't enjoy as much as Potemkin, simply because you think you'll win more with a "high tier character", you're not going to have fun, and you'll fall off. Stick with Pot for now

  21. Switch Plastic Beach and Song Machine with each other

  22. I think it’s realistically possible for a mod like this to exist. Most mod loaders I’ve used for other games usually have a config menu for mods that support it. Could probably have someone make a mod where u go into the config menu and select the language u want for each character in a drop-down menu

  23. arent kirby and meta knight the same species?

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