
  1. It’s pretty much a loop of The Office, Parks and Rec , How I Met Your Mother and Big Bang Theory

  2. It doesn’t matter where he gets his engine running as long as he parks in the right garage.

  3. Billy gave Michael Scott Paper Company some office space to run their business, correctly diagnosed Dwight's concussion, and endured being the unwitting subject of a disability seminar.

  4. Well everybody answered almost everything I was thinking expect one and that was perfect dark.I still remember me and my cuzns all waiting in a room with all our guns pointed at the door cuz we were playing against perfect sims lol

  5. Marvel Vs Capcom 2. Still an absolute banger of a game.

  6. Best one of the series the amount of characters u have to choose from plus the side characters that u can get to assist literally was my favorite fighting game of all time. I still remember going to our computer lab where our teacher had a whole set up with a two player joystick controller after school where all my friends and even the teacher would just play till about almost 7 lol

  7. It shows that they are training to take the palace by making a mock up so soldiers can train knowing every nook and cranny before the operation

  8. I told my wife the same thing when she wanted to get a puppy but not because I didn’t want one but I know the pain of losing a dog who was like a child to you it hurts bad. But of course I ended up breaking down and of course our now 6 year old dog is the biggest daddy’s boy.

  9. Fucking shao khan from the original remake of the first mortal kombat we played the story on the hardest difficulty and when we fought him for the first time it was around 8 o clock and when we finally beat him the sun was coming up

  10. 1st one human noble to start off. I was going to do the other starting archs after I finished the first playthrough

  11. Ya sadly dragon age two was where they fumbled it with the battle system but I kinda liked inquisition

  12. Blitz the league it completely ruined any other football game to me. I mean customizable team and roster, dirty hits and steroids to get injured players back in the game. It was a fucking masterpiece 🥲

  13. This and the original need for speed underground 1 and two were my shit

  14. Omg I have coughed these up before I wondered what the hell they are

  15. I feel kinda safe I got Ron Swanson from parks and recreation

  16. Shit looked like a double fatality poor guy at the end got straight whacked in the back of the head

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