
  1. At 1000h the company provides 1 free session with a phycologist

  2. Dirty up the floor, mfs looking for somethin to sweep

  3. I assume you’re playing modded? Have you tested it vanilla? Have you verified the integrity of the game files?

  4. He dropped it like it’s inedible. Literally just cut with idk a pizza cutter? Or a knife? Or scissors? I get that this can be irritating but it fr took longer to post this than it would be to just cut it yourself.

  5. Use an air horn and embrace the sweet release of death

  6. Don’t be on top of them when they burst through the surface 👍🏼

  7. Around 1200 hours 🥲 mods add a ton of replayability okay

  8. I wish I knew how to use mods. I’d probably play it so much more

  9. Download r2 modman and you could be playing modded in 10 minutes. Most of that 10 minutes is going to be the game loading up too💀

  10. ah, I would've hoped it's a standalone thing. I don't actually want lategame upgrades right now, and it depends on hookgenpatcher which breaks the game in v50

  11. I’ve been playing with late game upgrades since v50 launched- it works. And even if you don’t want the late game upgrades, you can still install it just for the chance of the shopping cart.

  12. that's interesting. Anything that uses hookgenpatcher has been preventing enemy from spawning in with my game. Are you sure it works properly?

  13. Yeah it works properly. You gotta start a new save tho

  14. It's honestly a stupid design. One time I managed to store them in a cabinet, but when I tried to put them on a counter to sell them, they exploded, so I lost all of the potential money.

  15. How is it a stupid take? Who the f loves an item that can kill you randomly and has a chance to not be sold at all because it explodes?

  16. I like it because I can kill my friends, baboon hawks, giants and other stuff. Mostly like nuking my buddies tho

  17. Put it on the floor and keep putting on the floor

  18. This is so sad. Someone TP them back to the ship

  19. Don’t act like that would take more than 5 mins to clean

  20. The point is that they should have cleaned it since they made the mess. Imagine if a plumber came into your home and made a huge mess of sewage and just left it to soak into your floor.

  21. Difference between your example and what happened to OP, is sewage everywhere (health hazard). This looks like old insulation. Would take anyone 2 mins to clean. Yes, maintenance crew could’ve done that. But also it probs took more time to post this than it would’ve to just sweep it up.

  22. Started some solo modded lethal earlier this week. Fuckin horrifying. Had to put the controller down a few times

  23. I'm guessing it was mostly mods to make it harder or had little effect on difficulty. Solo lethal company is hard enough though.

  24. Yeah I added mods I thought would make it harder and or scarier

  25. 8 pairs of red, black, and white shoes enough??

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