
  1. Isn't pleco specifically a Mandarin dictionary though?

  2. In Pleco you can search for English meanings. (There's a C vs. E icon in the top-right corner.)

  3. Judging from what you've written, I think taking the HSK5 instead would be a good decision. I'm not sure what sample papers you're looking at, as they might be easier than the actual exam, but it sounds likely you'll get a reasonable grade, and it'll open up opportunities in China.

  4. Originally "radical" only referred to a dictionary indexing method (so you can look up characters in a Chinese dictionary without an alphabetical order---every character has a unique 部首), but maybe nowadays people use "radical" to mean "component" 偏旁. For students, components are important to learn.

  5. An issue with Google translate is that it only gives one translation, which is problematic for words with multiple meanings.Β  Maybe use.the CC-CEDICT translations instead (?). TOFU Learn can add them automatically.

  6. A seriously interesting coincidence I think. Here's the links:

  7. Why don't [group of people] do [something]? Likely because they're prioritizing something else they consider more important.

  8. Stunts like this are best left to professional YouTubers.

  9. Hahaha I did this one; it was more lighthearted and imaginative than other questions.

  10. Surely vs = separable verb θŠδΊ†ε€© and θ―·δΈ‰δΈͺζ˜ŸζœŸηš„ε‡.

  11. I think the HSK6 cannot be related to the CEFR in terms of speaking (there's no oral section; that's another exam) and writing (since there's only one task, and it's... abnormal, and doesn't seem related to the "can do" statements).

  12. Being excluded from social activities, aversion to small talk, difficulty with eye contact, feeling misunderstood. It's about autism, right? And in particular autistic masking.

  13. There's a plethora of example sentences websites (see the list at the

  14. Jesus? He spoke Aramaic, Greek, and Hebrew, according to

  15. It's getting harder to block channels but it seems the process (currently) is:

  16. I remember having this discussion when going to a pool once:

  17. The main dictionary many people use is Pleco. You can look up the characters individually, and find the meaning that corresponds to the given word. Just be careful that some characters have multiple meanings.

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