
  1. It's important to NOT think of gacha (or any live service game) as an investment, think of it more like any other entertainment experience. If you go to the movies or a concert, or even out to dinner, or even something like go-karts or paintball or whatever, that money is gone, not "invested." Enjoy the experience while it's fun, and when it's not fun any more, stop paying for it. It's very rare that adding money to a game that isn't fun is going to make it fun again.

  2. In "light" of, not in lieu. In lieu means "instead."

  3. No, it doesn't increase phial charge rate. That's Focus, and Focus is not really worth it for CB: even at max level it won't charge in one double+roundslash sequence.

  4. Most likely there will be dragon-only weak monsters in future, and almost certainly something will follow Pickle's example and be weak to dragon at 1.5x and only 1x against a different element. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the pattern they set with elder dragons, but I've heard no rumour like that in datamines or leaks.

  5. I don't think this game is running anywhere anymore.

  6. Didn't earn enough revenue to support the cost of maintenance and servers. Same thing that happens to a lot of gachas.

  7. Squad-Strike is criminally under-played. I think it's way more exciting both to watch and to play than regular matches. There's a small element of strategy in the picks, and a small amount of randomness in whether the battle order is favourable (in terms of matchup). I think it's a better test of general smash skill - the ability to outplay your opponent generally - than 1v1 which is often a better test of character mastery, or sometimes matchup knowledge.

  8. ALL games are getting larger, and literally always have been.

  9. Did you see her first swimsuit choice? We have to wait for Mari's swimsuit to be completely sure, but I'm guessing "no."

  10. Hmm, did you wear tight pointy shoes your whole life? It looks like your big toe is seriously bent to the left. My little toes are like that, but my big one is pretty straight. Maybe just the angle of the photo.

  11. Huh. My Y is WAY longer on the hand side. Weird.

  12. Holy shit it's so fake. It's like they're trying to win an award for the most ridiculous story that idiots will believe. So utterly obvious that it's a bot account from post history alone, but getting SO MUCH karma and engagement in the comments.

  13. The nature of reddit (all social media, really). Take absolutely everything you read with a huge grain of salt, especially around topics where there is a lot of engagement and vested interests. Learn about classic trolling and "ragebait" and bot-farming.

  14. I have some eufy cameras. They worked enough to catch a cop steal something out of my car.

  15. Sure yeah, I just want to hear the rest of that story.

  16. I think the term "deepfake" is reserved for fakes that are indistinguishable (or nearly so) from genuine footage. This is more someone looking for a sensible chuckle with a really obvious fake. You didn't mention the Sly cameo.

  17. How much do you play? If you go all out, there's no reason not to go for Jyura weapon instead, it's a lot better. I went with Jagras because I'm casual and I run into about 5 Jagras for every 1 Jyura. And that would be worse if it wasn't for the tracker.

  18. Status doesn’t affect potency, but buildup. So 100 poison and 800 poison will do the same damage once it procs, but the 800 will build faster. I imagine if you’re already proccing poison twice (or three times which is probably the max), extra poison is worthless. In this case just bump your Attack up.

  19. Is that true? Pickle takes extra elemental damage?

  20. I thought this was how he was in all the other MH games as well but I could be mistaken. I feel like this game, while easier due to time limit constraints etc,etc. still plays true to the normal series with monsters and their weaknesses and all that cool stuff.

  21. Other MH games have differen elemental weaknesses per part of the monster, yes. The values are a lot lower, and until recently elemental damage was always worse than Raw+Boosts for raw. The way it was calculated was quite a bit different, and only dual blades were really viable for elemental builds.

  22. Good news though: a couple days ago they announced Barioth is returning to HaTs May 20th! It and Legi will have boosted drop rates for a week (or two, can't remember), and after the event Bari will stay in HaTs, though not on the field. Another month and everyone can go for Ice 5 again.

  23. Yes this will be good Hope they put coral puki in hats to because that's my water weapon

  24. Yeah, that's the one reason why I hesitate to build subspecies stuff. They're rare except during events, and I'm way too casual to fight enough for equipment I can't substitute during those times.

  25. How do you overhead swing after phial load? Hold->swipe down to load phials, then tap, I always go into horizontal axe swing. Swipe up after load instead of tap does shield bash/phial explosion, then hold to AED quickly, but I can't figure out Load->overhead chop.

  26. With yellow/red phials and in sword mode, press the special button. You'll load phials and then go into overhead swing.

  27. Oh geez, that simple? Ha! Thanks.

  28. My Gods, freaking Futurama was right, and soon we'll have Suicide Booths.

  29. Suicune booths already exist in Switzerland. They'll spread.

  30. Manualcorrect. When you write the real word, you get flagged and helpline info sent to you. I have no idea what else it triggers or what kind of list/database it goes to, but I want no part of it.

  31. You can earn potions... by going to your regular IRL job and trading in some of the currency you earn there for them. :)

  32. It seems that everyone except Natsu got glowups.

  33. Hahaha. Two of them, though neither are infants anymore and are getting close to driving.

  34. I'm not a snake guy, but that is a really pretty pattern.

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