
  1. When you look into the environmental destruction caused by open pit lithium mines and the waste water, it is easy to see oil is cleaner. Fracking sites are remediated and you can't even tell they were there. Lithium mines and the toxic by products in soil and water is very destructive. The batteries are fire hazards. Ask a firefighter what putting out a Tesla battery fire is like. I would rather have a 5 or 10 minute fill up, than have to wait for a charge. It is worth mentioning that most charging stations are powered by Diesel generators, or Coal and Natural Gas driven power plants. Maybe someday, but for now, fuel driven vehicles are a much safer, cleaner choice. It seems the whole "Green Energy" push is a marketing ploy. Every source of energy has it's problems. Whether Solar, Hydro, Geothermal, Wind, or Fossil Fuels, they all have their drawbacks.

  2. Your like someone who says, “there’s sometimes pollution in the air, so cigarettes really aren’t that bad."

  3. Apparently I didn't hit reply.

  4. Riddle me this -- why do you propose that 300,000 years of warming can take place in 100 years without consequences we should be trying to study and potentially mitigate? Why is the response a shrug that in the vast scales of time all things change? That’s bypassing and lazy and dangerous.

  5. And what about the fact that every glacier in the park is receding / shrinking?

  6. Young people also have very little grasp of international politics and the global balance of power, they think the US can just turn off Israel like there's a switch. It doesn't work like that.

  7. Why is it the same argument though with every international conflict -- the money must be spent; there is no money for bridges or schools or healthcare; it MUST be blown up in a faraway desert because no one understands.

  8. What about the 60% snow cover in Europe, for the first time since December 2011?

  9. Europe, the fastest warming continent in the world? Europe which had its 2nd warmest year in recorded history last year? Europe which had the largest wildfire its ever recorded this year? Europe which had a marine heatwave in the Mediterranean in November this year?

  10. Also from New Hampshire. Driving tonight I saw frogs hopping across the road. Frogs in December and it was 61 degrees on my temperature gauge

  11. Reagan and then the theft of the 2000 election.

  12. So you're right, gerrymandering does not affect the statewide races, but voter suppression does. They make it more difficult to vote in blue counties and in minority heavy areas.

  13. Then... deal with it. Campaign harder. Organize more. The stakes are enormous.

  14. One day this is going to be the exact story... except the power doesn’t come on the next day, or the next, or the next... or the next.

  15. Most times they tire out and the weaker of the two runs away with minor injury. In cases like this, the weaker of the two (or possibly just an unlucky combatant) slipped up and exposed their body, giving the other access to soft spots they can gouge and puncture. Those antlers can rip right through flesh like nothing thanks to the bucks massive neck muscles combined with their tines.

  16. Where’s the massive puncture wound though? We get a good shot of the deer’s belly, with the victor going bloodlust on him, and there’s no visible blood. How is that the most likely cause of death here?

  17. SpaceX wasn’t owned by the richest man in the world then. Blue Rock has a muuuuuuuuch lower ROI already despite the limitless funding available to it.

  18. Libertarianism is feudalism for the intellectually weak.

  19. No, silly. We were Venutians, hence the run away greenhouse gas effect on our home planet.

  20. Apathy at the destruction of the food web.

  21. It also confirms Southerners started the KKK. Who rules the South? Who uses the government of the South to jail middle schoolers for profit? Who shuts down libraries and gets offended at the idea of scientific facts being made available to the public? Southern conservatives.

  22. If the last Republican that people could universally claim not to be a piece of shit was 140 years ago, it goes to show you how shit the party and its supporters are.

  23. Yup. Govt tends to suck at things so socialism comes and says “let’s give em more power”

  24. Meanwhile, no corporation has ever cruelly mistreated its employees. Some of y’all treat government like slack jawed bible thumpers treat Satan.

  25. Haha - but none of the people that helped with the US revolution are homeless

  26. They were already suffering massive population decline because of their rituals

  27. Yeah well other countries that aren't dealing with these social issues also have police and and prison but their prisons are designed with rehabilitation in mind. We need prisons that focus on reintegrating offenders back into society, not treating them like animals/thugs. We'll always need police, that's how it is. Maybe police need better training but they're humans and prone to mistakes and PTSD from having to kill someone pointing a gun at them just like everyone is. What would you like? Robots patolling the streets? Then they can't be bias but they won't give warnings, they'll just arrest while human police sometimes let people off with warnings.

  28. Police officers are also prone to malicious intent, incompetence, and violence. AND they face no consequences for doing so. We need police. But we don’t need police who have no repercussions or accountability for any of their actions. Make them carry insurance and pay it out of their own retirement instead of charging citizens millions of dollars for every “whoops I shot a handcuffed man in the back six times and got a promotion."

  29. This is why women should carry guns......oh wait.....this was in Chicago, where only criminals have them.

  30. When, in this video, would she have been able to shoot both of them dead without getting shot?

  31. And? Wharton alums serve in the White House, the Fed, the Council of Economic Advisors. Wharton will not consider structural change as it sits on top of the power structure built on the dysfunction it’s pretending to critique. They’re never going to make a suggestion that would change the course of the beast they’re integral to building.

  32. As much as I hate to say it. There's many people out there who think like this.

  33. There’s many out there who want this as well. Don’t plan when you can fight.

  34. Democrats are at a constant disadvantage in that, in general, they tend to say what they believe and believe what they say. It’s hard to win against a party that believes in power over truth and consistently uses rhetoric in bad faith.

  35. El Salvador. Rwanda. Those are some the VERY few countries that have more prisoners per capita than the United States. There is no wide-scale comparative measure by which the US is a peaceful people.

  36. It will be attempted, as a poor thought out knee -jerk reaction to the first mega death caused by climate change (probably an unexpectedly rapid onset heat dome) . Then we are locked into the roller coaster ride of unmanaged, uncontrolled climate manipulation.

  37. The thing is, you’re already on the roller coaster. It’s a question of does someone try and throw an emergency brake or just let it accelerate ever more rapidly into the ground?

  38. oh my god I feel like you’re trolling but “they prioritized profits over people” is the same mindset that conspiracy theorists have. unfortunately it wasn’t even that deep- they knew someone was going to do that/use that market space and they wanted to ensure they held onto it. they knew the oil would be burnt anyway and they wanted to be the one profiting from it. We’re comparing this attitude to intentionally, for example, shading the earth from the sun by launching something into the atmosphere, in hopes of intentionally lowering the global temperature. That kind of action can and will probably make things worse than if we’d continued our normal level of pollution without doing the shading thing.

  39. Love all the “logic” that posits nothing else could have possibly happened, so let’s not be too harsh on the architects of our current predicament.

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