
  1. Aspect of the Undying - Every time you cast a skill you heal for 2.0% life, the higher your health, the more this heals and you are practically spamming bash so it's constant.

  2. Think I saw this on MP.. was almost your bidding opponent👌 enjoyy!

  3. I saw it on AutoScout24. I bought it on 2nd Christmas day but I still had to wait until I got my full A license, I only had A2.

  4. Ah it was a look-a-like then! be easy on the rev in that case, it can be a beast! 🙌 (And it’s awesome!!)

  5. Still can’t decide.. also like the rear☺️

  6. Carbon fiber cans? My 2-1 M4 system disintegrated due to heat and exhaust pulses....just a potential warning. Looks like an '04....and looks to be in great shape.

  7. ‘04 indeed! Well, than I hope mine will fare a bit better with DAM-exhausts

  8. This has been really helpful, thank you. I'm used to heavier bikes, used to commute in the countryside and City in my dad's GSX1100F (bloody heavy thing!), so for what I'm used to, the sv1000 isn't a heavy bike at all. I've only sat in one, pushed it around, and it felt compact and still nimbler than my previous bikes.

  9. Yes, it is very mich comparible with the mt7

  10. Sure sorry it became the giraffe! Yours a close second! Thank you for your effort!

  11. This might sound really fucking stupid, but there's a flag raising mission type?????? Why have I never seen this

  12. Yeah seem to be only on lower levels (2)

  13. Wait, we are getting SE flag as a stratagem?

  14. You should look at the FZ6, I think it is the best beginner bike!!

  15. I know! Don’t stare blind on numbers.. a bus got a lot more HP but isn’t faster or whatever!

  16. Andariels visage and xfal uber poison twisted blades build. It melts through 4x scaled T100s without tibaults , so we’ll see how it does in aoz

  17. I tried it on my rogue without tibaults and dodged 19/20 heat seeking blister ghosts and then died to the last one about 10 times and said fuck it. I put on tibaults and condemnation and killed her in about a minute

  18. Uber uniques can drop off of any mob that is level 85 or higher. Duriel just has a higher chance of dropping one.

  19. SoSE 1 on Steam works great. Get some mods while you're at it, there are some really great mods out there for it.

  20. Wow that really does sound cool! I’ll be looking into that, thank you!

  21. Just for the rolls.. it only gives you flat damage on weapons, Armor on clothing .. (And resist on jewelry but there you’re right.. that doesn’t do anything..)

  22. Jep, there’s spirit when strucken, windshear got a 10 percent chance for full spirit aspect, but the best one is a spirit when hitting crowd controlled enemies, that one with the slow 50% aspect is working charms

  23. You should think about what autism or adhd is.. it’s nothing but symptons that are classified by humans in the dsm to belong to a certain disorder.. truth is we still know very little what causes it or what are the differences. We even don’t know if it is the same thing but different symptoms or anything.

  24. Yes definatly! You can lower the difficulty and when you understand what you’re doing, spice it up al little.. Enjoy the progress!

  25. Yep. You can lock and switch to different targets with the same thumb. It's really, honestly not necessary to play successfully but if you are absolutely convinced that you need to hit something, it gives you that level of control.

  26. Missed that.. L3? I found playing rogue/bow a little bit annoying missing stuff.. D3 was more of an auto-aim didnt it?

  27. D3 was auto-aimed, yes. Wherever it decided you were pointing is where it chose. It was absolutely usable, though some skills worked better with MKB. D4 is absolutely a step up, but there's room for improvement. It would be great if controllers got even more attention with the simultaneous launch across the platforms. I love playing with the controller but I'd love it even more if they implemented more options for us to fine-tune our preferred control schemes.

  28. Yeah indeed those firewalls where a lot better on pc and unmanagable on console.. I hope in the end D4 delivers a good system for aiming because now hitting with a bow is quite a challenge.. but we’ll see I guess! Thanks!

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  30. Inhoudelijk alles beantwoorden op schrijffoutjes om daarmee dan je gelijk te halen?

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