1. Do you play ball? Should i go tts or half size up everybody saying something different thank you

  2. Half size up. They are really snug right out of the box. I haven’t fully broken mine in yet but i’m glad i went a half size up.

  3. https://on.soundcloud.com/pqmdwZ9au9F1ZMgv9

  4. These are great. I’d love to see these all in midsize.

  5. It’d be less appropriate in most jobs as well for a customer to do that. In a professional sports atmosphere, fans will be yelling shit all the time. As a professional, one instance of yelling the word bitch shouldn’t even register to you let alone prompt you to confront a random fan. You don’t know what that fans gonna do when you get within arms reach of them in the context of a negative confrontations

  6. Hey, are you being serious with this argument or just being a troll?

  7. Hey man, just stoppin in to say thanks again for the custom markers you made me recently (BOTZ pink robot). To anyone considering their own custom markers, work with my man Dane at Matchstick. It’s the real deal.

  8. My point is it’s not “way back then”

  9. Trolling here is 4/10 here. It’ll generate some responses but overall there’s much better trolling out there.

  10. Also got my gear fast. Much appreciated friend!

  11. Scoreboard looks awesome. I would love to see that one live.

  12. Also… is that blue paint color in the second pic Labradorite from Sherwin Williams?

  13. If i noticed it at the time, i would have retaken the photo with the tv off

  14. I lost my dad about 9 months ago. We would play golf every other week or so. It was his favorite thing to do. I still have a lot of videos of him on the courses we’d play. Today is the first father’s day without him and it’s tough. I enjoyed reading your post about your dad, may he rest in peace. Be well OP

  15. Does anyone have that rangefinder? Or have any comments on the brand? I’ll likely pull the trigger but i’d like to hear what anyone has to say.

  16. https://youtu.be/lNHG8RBg0zg

  17. Can you link me if possible?

  18. Been happening to me and a buddy for weeks. Still happens post update. We’re on xbox. We still use the crafter as it’s a small chance to get stuck, but it does ruin the game. Wish they’d fix it.

  19. As someone who plays on kbm I have no idea what’s going on. Can someone explain

  20. You ever switched the sights on your weapons? On xbox, the X button used to switch the gun sights onto your other gun, and the A button would remove the sight and put it in your backpack. It looks like Respawn switched the X and A function with the latest update.

  21. Man, i don’t understand these people. I just bought this same mizuno head cover and put it on my ping. It’s a mizuno head cover, fellas.

  22. Lakers have 27 free throws at half. Suns have 10.

  23. Super cool idea man. I’d get one.

  24. You’d like the song Udigg by cheeks bossman and thug

  25. Sounds like a chopped and screwed version of What’s the Move with uzi

  26. How did this song come about? Is this officially released? What’s it on? For some reason i never looked into this song and don’t know its origins.

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