
  1. Not a pyro player, but I think he gets hurt in almost every fight, even if you play well.

  2. Fallout NV didn't age well and is barely unplayable today for new players.

  3. "look how badass I am" instead of "Im coming back from a mission".

  4. I didn't really like it much because the knights seemed to be trying too hard to look badass with their walking.

  5. That's why I think this game is really dead and not worth playing. Casuals are unplayable due to bots, and community servers are filled with closet cheaters

  6. I call out the closest cheaters all the time, but I get flak.  Of course there's not cheaters; they've been here before, they're just really good at the game, skill issue, cry more,... Few people will actually check and just assume because it's on a community server no one is actually cheating or it's not obvious.  I can't tell you how many snipers seem to be wall hacking.  But I disgress.

  7. As a book reader, when I saw Ramsay Bolton killing his father I was shocked

  8. Esses dias eu vi um cara perto da praça Raul Soares com um placa "não ao corte de árvores", ou algo assim. Agora entendi o que tá rolando...

  9. Tyson has so much respect for the boxing greats of the past that I hope he’s taking this shit personally on their behalf and fucks this dude up.

  10. I hope so too, but I think the money is too big for him to consider

  11. Fallout 4, only after 30 hours of gameplay I noticed the perk list scrolls down.... My build made no sense

  12. if you side with the stormcloaks, you leave a weakened empire who the thalmor can probably easily destroy should a second war break out, but skyrim is free to do whatever it wants. If you side with the empire, it will remain strong and have a better shot at winning another war which they are planning as you can hear from various voice lines from tallius and rikke. But if your character is a "skyrim for the nords" type it makes more sense to side with the stormcloaks. The choice is ultimately yours.

  13. Minha experiência como paulista morando em BH não está sendo muito boa. Muitos, mas muitos moradores de rua, comércios abrem tarde e fecham cedo, e todos os rolês envolvem álcool.

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