
  1. It'd be nice to have an exception in rule 8 for sensory/fidget props, as long as they are quiet and non-disruptive.

  2. Yeah, I thought that was weird as well. Especially since I use the word "yeah" in my speech all the time and I'm turning 40 this year.

  3. I had a middle school teacher in the 90s who would discipline kids for saying "like" in the slang sense, ex: "There were, like, 20 people waiting in line."

  4. Doesn’t work if they are faking fun fact. I used to work as a counselor in residential and we had this kid who kept “passing out” in the shower. Hospital couldn’t find anything wrong with him but he was non-reactive to a sternal rub so EMTs believed him every time. I knew with my SOUL this kid was faking so he could see his mom at the hospital and she knew it too. The next time he did it, (nightly occurrence at this point) I leaned down and said: “Get your little butt up this second or you are losing your desert for a month.” Kid cracked a smile and got right up. One of my better wins.

  5. It's strangely sweet that a teen would endure multiple sternal rubs without reacting so that he could go see his mom.

  6. Dumbbells that go over 65lbs would be nice, or barbells over 80. I guess having heavier weights is considered too aggressive for some people though.

  7. The liability insurance is more expensive for higher weights. It's a cost-cutting measure.

  8. That implies cancel culture is on balance a net loss but it’s not.

  9. Cancel culture from the right has absolutely been a net loss. Cancel culture from the left has been a mixed bag, but not nearly enough to offset.

  10. Just think how many of us would be "cancelled" if we had camera/smart phones back in our teen and youth days.

  11. 98% of trans people would be cancelled for having said something transphobic as a teen/kid.

  12. Keep it simple - eliminate the income cap and we’re 90-something percent of the way there. Why mess around with the other stuff?

  13. Yeah, agreed. Indexing payouts to the highest 38 years of income has bad knock-on effects, ex: it would really hurt parents who left the workforce for a few years to raise kids. Someone who worked a career job from 22 to 62 would only be allowed two "bad years" for income without it hurting their SS check. Layoffs, career changes, illness, caregiving - it really penalizes deviating from the "perfect" career path, when those are the people who need SS the most.

  14. Medical research in general has a bad history with asexuality or anything that deviates from cishet norms. It's common that asexual people have to lie about their sexual histories to get past the gatekeeping, otherwise doctors will try to "fix" the asexuality before letting them transition.

  15. But also, are they happy despite whatever outcomes?

  16. It reminds me of the debates in the 90s and earlier about LGB folks: is it better for a gay man to marry a woman and have an unhappy marriage, or come out as gay and have an unhappy life?

  17. It's probably in the center the same way hidden rooms are part of a building. The RA behaves as if it were physically part of the old Sovereignty in multiple ways, such as Ordonnanz being able to travel to and fro and that an execution spell cast by a royal would kill someone in the RA. It is both there and not there.

  18. The RA is loosely based off of a religious/mythological location that is common to many Eastern religions (Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, etc). In English it's called Mount Meru. In Japanese it's 須弥山 (Shumisen).

  19. Think brining softens the fibrous texture? That would be a game changer, really. I will have to try it.

  20. Brining helps, but even a really fibrous Dryad's Saddle makes a good mushroom stock or mushroom tea.

  21. I think it's a lovely name. Would you be okay if your kid grew up and asked to be called Grey instead of Carmen? If so, I don't see anything wrong with the name.

  22. It gives me Victorian England vibes because the first place I saw it was Silas Marner. I’ve never met a Silas in real life but it’s a perfectly normal name even if it’s not very common. I even googled to see if there’s some kind of slave connection but I couldn’t find one. OOP’s parents are unhinged.

  23. I wonder if OOP's parents are racist, and they called it a "slave name" because they think Silas sounds like a Black name, and that's why they are freaking out so much.

  24. It's like when kids write letters to soldiers and say things like "hope you don't die". Thankfully most military members take humor in it, but geez.

  25. We had a 1st grade teacher whose wife died of brain cancer. Many students wrote sympathy notes, both current and former students, unprompted and not reviewed by any adults.

  26. I will say I think this is a bad idea all around. "I would never ask for financial assistance for something I had decided to do," is a hard and weird stance to maintain if you've got a hungry child, no income, and no prospects. Whatever contract you might write up with your friend would likely be nullified by a family court's interest in the welfare of the child, and writing up such a contract in the first place might be used as evidence you're an unfit parent--you prioritized your pride or whatever over the child's needs. That said, I am not a lawyer, this is not legal advice.

  27. Yep, and sometimes receiving government financial assistance isn't fully within your power to choose. Ex: The custodial parent might die or become disabled. A child without health insurance and with hospital bills will be registered with Medicaid, if eligible, so that the medical system can get paid. In some states, low-income families receive free or reduced price school lunch automatically, etc.

  28. So, gambling on 18 years of good fortune and the continued goodwill of the other person.

  29. Yep, and even with all the goodwill in the world, that doesn't protect the non-custodial parent if the child has a disability or special needs, or if the custodial parent dies or becomes disabled.

  30. That’s how the vouchers work, yeah. They also include private schools as a choice. So because of this, public school funding will have to be taken to go fund the students going to the private schools.

  31. The worst voucher programs also allow the voucher to be used for homeschooling. That means parents can "unschool" their kids and pocket the money.

  32. Why is everybody doing a water bar this year? Same here

  33. It's trendy. Lots and lots of Pinterest weddings the last couple of years have water bars. It's also cheap and looks fancy.

  34. I kind of like Lux because it feels like a modern update of the old German name Lutz.

  35. Vibes say Biden is more unpopular at this point in his term than any other president in modern American history

  36. Yet a large swath of the American population would vote for a moldy turkey sandwich before they'd vote for Trump. Biden's popularity might be atrocious, and he might still win the election.

  37. I'm not sure if the City Water Meter Reader gets more of a workout for being lazy. Or maybe the same but the City i paying more in Upkeep

  38. I wonder if he needs to return to the truck to enter the data, or something like that.

  39. It’s very typical of emigrants. My parents left India in the 1960s and are constantly dismayed by how much India has changed, and greatly in denial of it in many ways. They also begrudge it (especially my mother). It’s both frustrating and fascinating.

  40. My grandparents were immigrants from Germany, from a rural area that was a couple of decades behind the cities.

  41. All of my diplomas are still in their tubes. I think. They're somewhere anyway.

  42. I don't know where any of my diplomas are. I think my mom has my high school diploma, but for the rest, I think I had to pay to get them printed and declined. I can't remember ever seeing them, anyway.

  43. How are medical complications of alcoholism not self-inflicted? I agree with the rest that we should eliminate stigma but I don't see how that is true

  44. The health effects are self-inflicted, but no one wakes up and says, "Let's become an alcoholic so that I'm unable to quit even if I want to." People don't choose to become addicted. No one has alcoholism on their list of life goals.

  45. It definitely can (I've been in those groups) - a well run group should be at least equally focused on sharing coping skills though when steered by a skilled therapist.

  46. It's also one of the big hazards of joining a support group that doesn't have a therapist leader. It's easy for a group of people to fall into a bad pattern, and it's important to have someone who can point out and disrupt that pattern.

  47. What is health span? Do you mean decrease in life expectancy?

  48. Healthspan is like lifespan, but taking into account quality of life. It stems from the concept of QALYs (quality-adjusted life years), ex: one cancer drug might extend lifespan for 6 months with good quality of life, and another cancer drug might allow for 12 months of misery. The latter drug would have a lower QALY score.

  49. I think there's a big difference though, even if I'd honestly see all 80+ politicians phased out sooner rather than later.

  50. I'd love to see a cultural norm for politicians to retire before 80, with a heavy focus on succession planning after 70. Senior politicians should be proud of the class of politicians and aides they have coached over the years to take over their roles both inside the party and as elected officials.

  51. Even without a formal diagnosis, it may be worth having a chat with a professional to screen for related things. Some of them, like ADHD, share a lot of symptoms, and there are a wider variety of treatment options (talk therapy, organizational strategies, medication, etc). It's also not unusual to be struggling with ASD symptoms and also have untreated depression or anxiety, and dealing with some of those things can take life off of "hard mode" and back on the normal difficulty setting.

  52. My name is super uncommon. Kind of made up. Definitely more popular now as a nickname.

  53. I have a distant cousin with the same name (first, middle, last) and birthday. I've never met her, but our records get confused all the time. I had a college application deleted as a duplicate, and our medical records get merged so often that it's an unfixable mess.

  54. Huh, the comment you replied to got removed by reddit admin. That's rare.

  55. For what reason would we want to pump industries full of subsidies when unemployment is under 4%? The winners are already here, we didn't need to do anything for them to show up.

  56. The winners aren't here, though, they are in China. The larger problem is that US consumers aren't allowed to import Chinese cars, and we are stuck with whatever the US manufacturers decide to grace us with.

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