
  1. IF she did. You don't know what she actually did. And not responding (in the amount of time someone is expecting) isn't a refusal.

  2. You don't know the opposite either though, so keep on keeping on. I didn't read the article fwiw. Enjoy waiting on the pope

  3. Burden of proof is on Hidalgo since she made the claim. I don't have to prove anything. 

  4. It makes me sad to say it, but slapping "antisemitism" on any sort of dissent of Israel sure makes it easy to arrest anybody for almost anything. I kept seeing police show up at these protests, where as fall as I could tell, people were just standing around. It's always easy to tell which protests make the powers that be upset by how unnecessary it is for a lot of cops to be there

  5. And other things that he has no power to do, otherwise any other president since the birth of the USA would have done so

  6. "The power" to do so rests with enough people going along with it. I doubt Hitler had "the power" to do everything he did within the governmental system of Germany. He probably just fucking did it

  7. Actually, you can just look at the other side of the world and see two ''rivaling'' nations doing similar things

  8. Maybe I'm just terrible at interpreting wotld events, but which two nations?

  9. At a surface level it probably seems that way. You have obviously never been involved with or in government if you can't recognize the vast amount of wasted spending, operational inefficiencies, bloated administration, general employee laziness, unaccounted for funds. Things that would never fly in the private sector. The thing is we ARE pumping more and more money into solving these problems and we consistently increase federal spending with no change in outcomes. Throwing money at problems doesn't make them go away. 

  10. Right, but nobody ever seems to offer other solutions. They just point out that government sucks and call the people asking for help stupid or inexperienced and move on. I'm sure you can appreciate how that's frustrating

  11. So you're aware of it, and agree, and yet you're still advocating for giving them more money!?! Do you see how insane that is?

  12. I'm not particularly advocating for anything. Thanks for, again, not providing another solution though. Have a good one

  13. A lot of alt-right movement when I talk to people in real life tends to boil down to "I can't say or do the things I used to be able to when I was 15". People get mad when I say "gay" or "retard" type of shit. Like sure, people probably don't need to get mad about shit like that, but there's bigger shit going on

  14. Kinda shitty of the guy to call her dude just cuz she doesn't line up with his idea of what women are

  15. I don't see why it's so hard to understand that you talk to your girlfriend like this, or someone you've at least had sex with. Not someone you haven't even said hello to

  16. That's what is really frustrating about all of this. Even if these things are true about Biden, stop acting like the solution is the 78 year old Trump who's having his own problems speaking and recalling basic things like what city he's in, or his wife's name

  17. Then we shouldn't be worried about wind turbines killing them! It's a win-win

  18. Yes, my history books, photos, and the copious amount documentation that the nazis kept told me this.

  19. Yeah, but the Podcaster I listen to that says things I like to hear said that Stalin actually did it, and the people that say otherwise are liars. The post is strange anyway, is anyone actually praising Stalin the way the neo Nazis are praising Hitler?

  20. Grand Prize, Big Star Bar, Poison Girl, Lil' Danny Speedo's, Rudyard's, Neil's Bahr, Moon Tower Inn, Axelrad, Cactus Music, Third Planet, Bohemeo's, The End, Black Magic Social Club, Dan Electro's, Black Hole Coffee, Siphon Coffee, Secret Group, Barbarella, Numbers, 1810 Ojeman, Notsuoh, Little Dipper, Houston Farmers Market, various pop-up markets, cheaper sporting events like Space Cowboys, Roughnecks, Sabercats, Dynamo, and Dash. Most museums aren't too bad either.

  21. I went to Grand Prize a couple times with my ex cuz it was pretty close to the museum district. I liked it and the food was good. Idk if it was temporary or not, but I thought it was kinda weird that the men's room had a toilet that didn't have any stall around it

  22. I saw a lot of 1 star bot reviews on IMDb. I imagine it's conservatives. The reviews were all identical on IMDb 'people fell asleep in the cinema' like ASLEEP? I was literally on the edge of my seat multiple times.

  23. His first interaction with Rana in the VIP club gave me so much anxiety. There were moments in between that things got slow, but yeah, "falling asleep" is likely just people talking shit

  24. BotW was one game that I don't even know how I got 200+ hours on. Mad Max was about 100 hours, but I did have to start and stop that one a few times

  25. I don't understand this notion that something has to be pro capitalist if it's anti communist. Like can't something critique both?

  26. I just hope the game is as good for them as they are gassing it up to be. You'd think that this game is going to be game of the year the way its being championed.

  27. The demo was fun and the story is interesting. Combat was pretty engaging and found myself wanting to play more of it. GotY? Probably not

  28. I only have a PC and a Switch so I have to wait for a port. Is it closer to Souls or DMC?

  29. Haven't played DMC, so I can't make that comparison. Definitely some similarities to Souls games, but not Bloodborne. I've heard the most comparisons to Sekiro

  30. Rory definitely deserves it more than anyone. None of us know what really went on behind the scenes but he seemed to really be going to bat for the PGA tour. I have to think he felt kind of foolish after the deal. There’s no dignity or principle in any of this shit anymore.

  31. Hell, I felt foolish after the deal and I'm just a spectator. It's wild watching Monaghan's statements be so drastically different, only a year apart

  32. When I was 15 I went to the UK and remember being fascinated by this Fanta that seemed more like orange juice. I actually like it a lot and have bought one every time I've been back

  33. I admittedly wasn't in the best place in my life, but still, I haven't cried like that playing a game before. Something about the last quarter of that game just hit me

  34. The first two really impressed me so already looking forward to the third. A Keanu casting on top of that is just awesome.

  35. I need to watch them, the trailers for the Kuckles show look funny, so I wanna see the movies first

  36. I cracked myself up in the theater cuz I said "Yeahhh" exactly the same way at the same time he did. Never change Keanu Reeves

  37. 15 years? He won the masters in 2019. Also he's the greatest player of all time

  38. Yeah, I think the better take is that people are talking about Tiger because he was still relevant before his crash, and the few times a year he plays after that are looked at as moments for one of the greats to come back. I'm guessing golf has more headlines than just Tiger, but that major headlines only talk about golf cuz it's about Tiger

  39. I travel a lot for work. One night when I was home, my kid asked me if I was going back to my hotel room. I laughed and told him "No, I live here." He said "No you don't! This is Mommy's house! You live in a hotel room!"

  40. I think it's a little funny that it took them that long to start reacting to it like it was a threat. The cops were just standing around and the mayor was like "next speakers please". Then someone just says "that was a threat" and everybody starts reacting

  41. The knee-jerk “send her to boarding school” and “if she’s worthy” were my clues.

  42. 100% surprise surprise. Dad started dating while mom was in coma, engaged in no time, fast track wedding and let kid know the fiancé is the best thing in his life. The broken kid blows it up and dad is upset. Yep it’s ALL the child’s fault. Dad is not the least bit responsible here AT ALL.

  43. Did he date her why she was in a coma? I didn't pick up on that when I read it. I thought he said he started dating 6 months later

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