
  1. The Nightmare Before Christmas game on ps2, it'd basically be a sequel

  2. Holy cow, someone else who remembers this game! I could never find all the bats...

  3. The Mummy, I actually can't trust a person who doesn't adore that movie

  4. Unpopular opinion: The Mummy (1999) does everything Indiana Jones does but better.

  5. It was a mulit-point explanation including the word abhorrent in reference to a meme app, what would you call that?

  6. An argument with good language skills? What's wrong with multiple points? What's wrong with abhorrent? Why can't people complain about a meme app?

  7. No, you’re thinking of shamrock. Shamone is a brass instrument with a slide.

  8. Nah, you're thinking of trombone. Shamone is what you do to people up you disapprove of; sometimes with bells.

  9. Populaire - (french) A secretary who's boss realizes she's an amazingly fast typest encourages her to persue competitive typing. (Romance)

  10. Can you sell a calculator named "The Jew-3000"? Shit's wrong even in "reverence," man.

  11. Read huntdawgin's comment again- he addresses that. If the cherokee was their cheapest car or if a car made for fat people was called the american than that would be suspicious- but there is no reference to insult than there is no insult.

  12. Legit never knew Ron Howard was an actor, only know his weirdo brother from the Waterboy and Grinch.

  13. Ever seen Happy Days or the Andy Griffith show? Young and younger Ron Howard.

  14. Nah, It's not your job to know hollywood history. Just highlighting his famous rolls.

  15. The hair and clothing fits the pallet that they used for the movie. Half the people there have that hair color. It barely has a passing resemblance.

  16. Hair color + clothing color + hunch + bangs... That's a hell of a coincidence. How could a DISNEY animator not notice they accidentally recreated one of their recent stars? The animators probably didn't want him to attract too much attention as a background character easter egg, and simplified him.

  17. I don’t know the specific terms, but I once had a porn search so bizarre, I got research papers as results.

  18. Lonely scientists in your area... Of research... Looking for love. Click now!

  19. And the cops refused to meet the demand. "We shall eat no donuts until you come out!"

  20. My cat, Persephone, was called “Purse Phone” for the longest time because I started out calling her Purrsephone so people just saw two words in it I guess? And didn’t know Greek mythology?

  21. I just spayed a kitten named Mice T!

  22. Got you beat the different Darrens in Bewitched no reason given , even with a psychotic mother in law that hated him built into the show . How hard would it have been to say "I got tired of his face" or the like .

  23. I'm here for those comments, and the daily motivation to keep practicing.

  24. I'm kinda surprised hit me baby one more time isn't well remembered. That song was everywhere.

  25. That came out in 2006, hardly a late 90s/early 2000s song, though it’s a certified party pleaser

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