
  1. I never thought my pihole hiding ads might be a disadvantage!

  2. it really is, when i’m on my pc with adblock and my pihole and then when i’m out on my phone and i go to a website im always like this website sucks it’s slow af laggy and full of ads then i realise it’s the same website i have always been using and thought was great

  3. you can just use discords search function i also recommend you check out

  4. Very true on the smaller drive front. Buy as cheap of a TB/$ drive you can find, as long as you have the room. In my situation at least, I have about 40 drives currently, so the smaller drives don't cut it anymore 😭

  5. oof i tried that got 4 of the cheapest of the cheap one of them died like a day after uploading my data and the serial numbers didn’t match up

  6. little bit different considering the house was on the same street but i liked having a status site on a pi there that way i would know if my internet and by extension servers went down i would also put important files on the pi but i have always been too broke for stable storage and a as card isn’t exactly a backup soooo

  7. I mean...this is also true for Android. Try setting up an android phone without a google account? Sideloading apks on Pixels is a pain in the ass (or was the last time I had a pixel), the Play store was hot garbage with no consistency in the quality of apps. Need a zero-day security update on a non-pixel phone? Good luck. Google sells everything about you to anyone with a penny in their pocket. Like, there are several reasons to feel negatively about Apple. But this isn't really one of them. Try using literally any IoT device without first setting up an account w/ the manufacturer.

  8. who said anything about using the manufacturers os? and yes my point stands most iot devices suck just like apple

  9. I’m not sure I understand your meaning here? 99.9% of phone users are going to use the manufacturer’s OS. Tizen on Samsung. Vanilla Android on Pixel. Whatever OnePlus, LG, and HTC are currently running.

  10. you’re missing the point i’m not saying other companies don’t suck they do it’s the fact that it’s even possible to change the phones os if you don’t like it

  11. yeah? just make sure you check everything works/it’s as described main things are icloud lock touch/face id not working and network lock/blacklist

  12. not really ipods are becoming insanely expensive because they are now popular i got one of my ipods for around £20 then broke it and i got more selling it a few years later that it was worth working was around £60 iirc

  13. eh i have ended up really relying on mine but all of a sudden dockers dns doesn’t resolve some domains can’t figure out why this means i just can’t send emails to some domains but considering every job i apply to don’t reply back im fine

  14. Wow, thanks for the recommendation! It's always great to hear about hosting companies with excellent support. I'll definitely check out SnakecraftHosting for my bot hosting needs. Do you have any tips for getting started with setting up a bot on their servers?

  15. the main thing i recommend is to learn how to implement a mysql database instead of mongodb as all their managed hosting provides a free mysql database and it is perfect for having an all in one solution

  16. Wow, thanks for the recommendation! It's always great to hear about hosting companies with great support and services. I'll definitely check out SnakecraftHosting. Do you have any specific features or experiences that really stood out to you while using their services?

  17. ay no problem disclaimer i have a bit of a bias for them now that i intern for them

  18. only problem with this is that userbots can join and then sit in each channel and see all the sensitive info people post

  19. I also turn on "Return Missed Calls" just in case I lose my phone.

  20. LPT: if you find a phone and this is off but you can see a missed call, hold the lock button to activate Siri and then ask her to call the name/number on the screen.

  21. the active developer badge means your an active developer i suggest you start with

  22. Look I'm not the one to promote throwing it out, but apple make it so that the cost to repair something like this isn't worth it due to the device being obsolete in terms of age and software support, I would take it to some ewaste recycler

  23. third party even good quality parts aren’t that expensive and the home button looks ok… for now getting it off will be a challenge though

  24. Don't know about op's but mine is 31 until Xfinity decides to change my static IP again.

  25. wow and i thought my isp sucks at least they don’t charge me for a dynamic ip

  26. aka cloudflare. my isp dns sucks especially with .me and .xyz TLDs i use them the most so probably haven’t noticed the many more that probably have problems

  27. yes you can and it’s funny you can’t turn the engine off if the keycard isn’t in the car you have to do a force turn off aka hold down the button until it turns off. i suppose this is to make you aware your keycard isn’t in the car and when you shut it off there is no starting it again

  28. In this case,  they're pretty open about the idea that they're getting to hook home users for free in order to get them to convince their work centers to adopt it. 

  29. pretty much what cloud flare does and it works. although it still concerns me how they don’t have a data cap and i can transfer gigabytes worth of data trough and they just don’t care

  30. If stuff like this happens, in the near future the EU will end up getting to the point where they require apple to allow a different OS on their iPhones. I don’t want that to happen.

  31. you’re acting like it’s a bad thing. not everyone wants what you want last i remember i gave apple over £1,000 for my phone so i expect to own it and have the right to change what i want to change

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