
  1. Not everything needs to be boring people!! I personally love the green counter tops with the brick, it's different and cozy. I think the cabinets could be changed to match a cozier vibe. I disagree with all the comments saying get rid of the counter top and get stainless steel appliances 👎

  2. Agreed. My main suggestions are taking off the fake brick and/or painting/staining the cabinets and replacing their hardware with something unique.

  3. Susan. It's just a great name for when you're telling her off.

  4. You have no idea how badly I want to get another cat and name him Richard, so I can complain about him like we're an old married couple who cannot stand each other.

  5. Couples do get asked how they met a lot though. Must be annoying if the story is weird, like he was my pastor or my high school teacher.

  6. Every time my bf and I get asked, we say "online" but immediately follow it up with an instinctive "but not on a dating app!" We started out on opposite ends of the country, and I was still in high school and not looking for anyone. And we met on a not well-known app that is somewhat similar to reddit, so it's hard to explain.

  7. Lmaooo I can only imagine all the "<3"s and "4eva"s I'd be dropping on that page to let everyone know we were together

  8. In the last ayahuasca trip, Mia asks if it was worth it and if you got what you wanted. You need to respond yes and that you found the cure.

  9. They said car, not “how many Suburba-tanks in length”

  10. They're saying that 3 car lengths is nowhere near 500ft, no matter what car it is

  11. In my experience with IBS and food sensitivities/intolerances, it's better to experiment at home a bit with your diet before going to a doctor (unless there's a sign of dire immediate need). I've always been told I need to log what I've eaten for a couple weeks and what my symptoms have been like for them to have a full idea of what could be causing digestive issues.

  12. 7 years ago, my SIL realized she didn't feel her 38 week baby in her womb anymore. This was their 2nd baby, just as wanted as the first.

  13. I had a lifelong friend who often brings up "her brother." He was a miscarriage years before my friend was even born, so some families definitely count the ones that don't make it.

  14. My mom miscarried twice before me. One was in '75 and (I think) one in '77. (I'm a '79 baby)

  15. Exactly, it's like halfway being an only child. My sister graduated college before I graduated 8th grade and my brother had been out of the house by the time I hit middle school. It's wild hearing how close my friends and classmates are with their siblings when I pretty much only see mine on holidays.

  16. This is a really good idea. The only limitation would be some people having to wait until they have a nice enough place for house warming. My brother had some seriously questionable college housing lol

  17. Well, supervising is not helping. Daughter has long hair and just needs help because it's difficult? Any age. daughter is drunk and needs help? Probably 16-21.

  18. I would consider the kid being incapacitated as "medically necessary" though. A fully functional teenager shouldn't need help bathing, and it would be odd imo if they requested their parent help them (aside from washing difficult hair in the sink).

  19. I feel like getting a loofah, scrubber, etc. to help clean your back would make much more sense than requiring assistance every time you shower.

  20. But for real, what's up with women and crime documentaries? My girlfriend is super into those, but they make her paranoid.

  21. Thanks for the honest and eye-opening reply. I really appreciate the new outlook.

  22. I really appreciate your response and love to hear from men who genuinely want to help women feel safe out there.

  23. There is nothing about getting a lawyer that prevents you from taking personal responsibility. You have a childish concept of how grown-ups act like. The grown-up, mature course of action is to not answer any questions without a lawyer present.

  24. As a kid, I used to think people refusing to speak without a lawyer were incriminating themselves. My thought was: "if they have nothing to hide, why would they need a lawyer?"

  25. I cannot put my tray down to eat. I cannot use my laptop. I cannot do anything with the seats back. They should not recline at all.

  26. Also, it's notably harder to slide in and out from the middle/window seat when seats are reclined. There's already barely any room to stand, and with the seat reclined above your limited legroom/walkway, it's just even worse.

  27. 100% just shitty ones. I was already my dad’s caregiver by age 14, and took medical shit EXTREMELY seriously, because it IS.

  28. I think my dad was sometimes insulted by how seriously I took his health stuff in my teens. He just had joint/mobility issues but was otherwise fine. But if we have to rearrange the house (while I'm still in high school) to be handicap accessible after a hip replacement, I'm gonna make sure you don't fall and break your good hip lol. Medical issues are no joke

  29. You’re a great kid (not in age, but to your parents)! I hope your dad is really proud of you. If he isn’t, he should be.

  30. It’s her TWIN. She’s talking to someone who I assume is close to her, who she thought was a safe space. God forbid you get your feelings out!

  31. I had a vaguely similar situation in high school. I told this ex-friend she needed to study and take her class seriously, but she always blew me off. Then she came up to me alone in the hallway, said she failed her test, and just burst out crying right in front of me.

  32. Oh lord can we PLEASE normalize the concept of being SEXZONED and over-write the common "friendzoned" like that's a problem.

  33. I had a friend senior year of high school who I would mainly talk to because I had limited options (only other high schooler on my bus, would sometimes offer me a ride home since we live close, we were in a class with 3 total students and worked together). I never got super close with him because of his occasional weirdness. He would get upset at me for using headphones and zoning out on the previous bus ride, for 'not talking enough' when he gave me a ride home, etc.

  34. Im sorry you went thru that, that dude was just a creep towards you. Your friends should have treated you better. But i bet that dude lied to maipulate others into harassing you as well. Very unfortunate situation to be in

  35. Honestly, I haven't seen or spoken to him in years. I mended things with some of my friends from back then not long after everything, so that's all good. And that guy is engaged to a classmate of ours now, so I truly hope he's changed for the better.

  36. Ok this is funny/not funny, but I have to post a screenshot of my Reddit feed:

  37. I'll defend OP in court because that could very well be an attack from the cult that is Epic lmao

  38. Dogs do like to use pillows. Mine will dig at his bed for ages to get it juuuuust right.

  39. We used to have a ginormous beanbag when I was a kid that could easily fit two people with tons of elbow room. My huge black lab mix was obsessed with it. The beanbag was black too, so you would have to look for her collar or eyes to even tell she was on it from a distance lol. She dug around like crazy until she had the perfect body imprint. If anyone laid in her spot, she (being over 80lb) would sit on top of them to establish dominance.

  40. Im 22 now and i couldnt imagine dating anyone who is 37. what the fuck .........

  41. I'll be 23 in a few months and my siblings are 30 and 33. I cannot imagine getting with someone their age, just a completely different stage of life

  42. she was 16 two years ago according to her profile history soooo… i think a young, naïve girl who didn’t know any better and probably grew up hearing that boys are gross and she never really knew how gross they meant!

  43. So he's a physically repulsive adult man who picked up a teenager 🤢

  44. May as well be for as much as I would be bleeding after that...

  45. Can you help me with the math? They became great grandparents at 55. Did they become grandparents at 38 and parents at 16? Now that I did the math I see that it is definitely possible.

  46. My boyfriend's grandma is only a few years older than my parents. Shit is crazy. And his mom became a grandma a decade before my parents did. I was a geriatric pregnancy over 7 years after my siblings due to fertility issues. Meanwhile, my bf's family has a long line of drug/alcohol abuse and young pregnancies (CPS has been involved for the most recent two generations)

  47. Personally, I would make it like a gradient. Similar to the first pic but with the black moved to the bottom left and lighter colors more towards the top right

  48. we fell in love instantly 🥹 she’s very vocal and yelled at us when we stopped petting her!! she’s been in the shelter for years and is our first cat, it just felt right

  49. Highly recommend "squeeze up treats"! My cat has all her teeth, but she just doesn't seem to enjoy crunchy foods as much. Cats can just lap those things up with their tongue, and she goes crazy for them.

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