
  1. Did you ever find out what happened?

  2. Nope. Nada. Zilch. Every time I looked I just ended up with links to videos or info sites.

  3. 3rd year of IM on night shift. We got called at 10ish by the ICU nurse asking about the patient the corner room. No orders had been placed, did the patient need anything? According to the ED doc's note the day attending had accepted. This wouldn't have been the first time she'd accepted without telling the day shift. This wouldn't have been the first time day shift didn't pass a patient on to night shift. I was tired of it. I kept an eye on vitals, and the initial labs were good. I called our attending but, after no answer, I told my guys not to touch the chart until morning. We had that note done before checkout, sure, but we made the nurses nervous. Heard about it from both that attending and the PD, but since the patient had been asleep the entire night and hadn't needed so much as a PRN Tylenol over night, they couldn't say much.

  4. “Patient stated that they had hamsters running up and down their legs and they were inside the legs. Patient also stated that there were hamsters running around inside their head. Upon examination, there were no hamsters present.”

  5. Well duh, they were on the inside 🤷🏻‍♀️😂

  6. What was wrong with the mostly blue DIP in pic 6? I'm no hand surgeon, but it looks appropriately thumb-like to me.

  7. Nah, zoom in on it. There's a probably 1/2" finger tip sitting at the base of the index finger.

  8. No the guy was right about one thing. Since I knew it was a chemical dilation I linked a post involving a drug. The crazy person was correct that I linked a combo drug, but didn't realize that I looked for a drug in the first place because the pupil was clearly chemically dilated. Once the OP stated they had a scopolamine patch the crazy person still acted like I was inept on what I saw. He did make one change...I won't comment when the hive mind is going crazy anymore

  9. For my own education, how can you tell just by looking that the dilation is due to a chemical?

  10. As someone who's left knee has gone through 3 ACL surgeries and 2 OATS - plus a smattering of meniscus surgeries, THIS. Please. I only just turned 30 😭

  11. "I fell on it" - You cared for a patient with rectal foreign body

  12. ...have you had to do CPR on your ED doc? 😬

  13. Nicely done! That would have been an interesting admission call to take.

  14. The hardest part was making the decision to stop transfusions. Academically, it can be justified under the medical ethics concept of justice and allocating limited resources to people that can be helped according to their need, and it has a utilitarian justification as well. But it conflicts with our desire to do everything we can for our patients, and it's not always easy to tell when you've done everything you can for them.

  15. Serious question, not trying to judge or criticize. A year or so ago there was a post on residency records. Na 97, WBC count 0.2, you know the lists. One contributor said they'd seen 100+ U PRBCs in 24h with the guy surviving neuro intact. How did you make that call? (I don't know that my hospital even has 100U, but what if you did?) That's a lot for one person, but what's a life worth? When do you stop?

  16. Didn't you see the part where he wants his wife to address him by name and vice versa? I don't think I've ever called the babe by his name since the day we started dating...

  17. That one I kinda get, from growing up in it. It was never, "go see Mommy," but "go see your mommy," when talking to me. My parents called each other by their names (or sweetheart, dear, what have you) because they are not just Mommy and Daddy. They are still their own person

  18. Doctor Who 💯‼️ Also Eureka, Stargate SG-1, NCIS.

  19. Hell. Yes. She's hot anyway, and get voice is just the cherry on top.

  20. That's an immediate call to legal.

  21. Per board practice questions, they can't refuse life saving tx for a child - including blood transfusions.

  22. For some nurses they truly are just that ignorant and will wake up the on call for simple things such as a stool softener. They simply don’t realize that it’s not a stat issue and it can be handled in the AM. But yes, some nurses are just straight up petty and will just message the doctors bc it’s their job and they don’t care if they are woken up.

  23. Also I feel like some just forget. Some nurses live in night shift mode. 3am is lunch time. Why not ask about XYZ?

  24. Oh no. No no no. This reminds me of a clinic visit my third year of med school. A patient came in asking for an HIV test. My attending and I wanted to know why he was concerned. (Multiple partners, unprotected sex, assault, known contact...) And, ya know, open ended questions let the patient tell their story, so what came out of my mouth after I introduced myself?

  25. There’s active arterial bleeding and no one is applying direct pressure to the source, despite being directly visible...

  26. Damn! I only noticed that with your comment. On my first look I thought it was a tissue string of some sort.

  27. Not a parent, but my mom is similar to your wife. I'm was never allowed to sleep in bed with my parents, but if I got scared I could come into bed, talk about it and cuddle, and then when I was ready she would bring be back to my own bed. I got the comfort I needed, she got to sleep without my knees in her spine.

  28. On the occasions I was thirsty but wouldn't have access to drinking water for a while I'd avoid going to the bathroom in hopes I could resorb free water from my bladder.

  29. I find it amusing that this response is here, because every time I hear people talking about wearing shoes in the home, people always say it like it's some weird, incomprehensible thing that Americans, and only Americans, do. This comment, and others downthread, show this isn't some US-specific phenomenon (and it's not even universal in the US...).

  30. American here - 100%! Shoes (in my opinion) are devilish foot traps that are to be removed at every opportunity. I also find them dirty. But I knew lots of people who kept theirs on.

  31. Portuguese waiters disappearing after serving you the desserts! A guidebook told me that dessert is seen as the best part of the meal therefore they give you plenty of time to enjoy it. But I wanna pay and move on!

  32. I absolutely see your point. I, on the other hand, like having my bill early so that once I decide I'm done, I can go be done. I strongly dislike needing to wait on someone to bring the bill. Bring the bill with the food for all I care and I'll pay when I'm ready.

  33. Irregardless, and I hate that it's been added to the dictionary like it's an actual word.

  34. Excuse me, what? When did this calamity happen?!

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