
  1. Thank you so much for this <3 I posted on here and the comments were 50/50. A lot of people made fun of me & my nose but 🤷🏼‍♀️

  2. I don’t have MPD and I’m just nonbinary. Sorry that’s so hard for your to wrap your head around. 💀

  3. Get a crying towel because you’re not getting the attention your father should’ve given you.

  4. ??? You don’t even know me dude my dad practically raised me we have a great relationship 🤣

  5. I mean the idea is cute but I really dont like these! They are too long for the shape and I can see the natural nail beds underneath.

  6. Yeah I can see what you mean, but I still am really happy with them :)

  7. can i join ?? my user is sanriodessy

  8. i mean, political content isn’t allowed on everskies, so it makes sense that your post was locked, considering it mentioned something political. i understand it was just “yeah ok liberal”, but it still involves politics. if you don’t want your posts to be banned/locked, then follow the rules. it’s that simple. you can’t be shocked when you went against the rules of the game.

  9. u look so cool, i love ur style and piercings!! and ur nose is beautiful. don’t listen to people hating tbh because this subreddit is against alternative people from what i’ve seen lmao not ugly at all.

  10. i would say that it’s for sure him, my advice would be to block him

  11. no. i waited 5 years. they do not change.

  12. This sounds like a really difficult situation you're in, I feel like the simple answer is to leave him, but im not sure if you're a strong enough person to go through the mental illness alone. I know that certain people can change, but he's so young. I don't think he can even help himself right now. This post is 6 months old, so I hope you're in a better position now than before. Just want you to know though that there's nothing in this world that permits a man to hit his girlfriend unless she hit him first so you do not deserve to be hit even if you said the meanest thing you can think of, and I know he's talking about wanting to change but just remember a man is judged by his deeds not his words. If he really wants to change, he has to do anything he can to earn your complete trust again without taking any steps backward.

  13. thank you for commenting and for your advice 💞 i’m happy to inform you that i have a final restraining order against him, and a new wonderful boyfriend who’s showing me what real love truly is. i couldn’t be happier without that man in my life and i can’t believe i was ever so delusional.

  14. i love how you did your makeup in slide 3, you look really pretty :) my advice would be to thin out your eyebrows and maybe get curtain bangs. but you’re already gorgeous !! 💕

  15. my friend crocheted him for me!!

  16. Got told that I was the one who put myself in the position to be raped and that I should punch myself for it.

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