
  1. Anyone triggered by it is a loser. Makes me want to buy it just to trigger babies who can't handle optional cosmetics costing money in a free game.

  2. Fr i love the armor and it’s a really well done kit so i was happy to purchase it. I say its worth the price because it’s so well done and faithful to the original

  3. They’re booing you but you’re right. Paying $20 for something that should be free is telling 343 to keep doing this.

  4. Honestly Mark VI is the most iconic armor since it’s been Chiefs armor for 20 years Mark V was used as Chiefs armor in CE. While I don’t disagree with your point I do disagree that Mark V is the most iconic armor

  5. Oh great seer, do you foresee any improvement from 343 or is it another 43 steps back?

  6. And the bastard is dead of prostate cancer. Rest in Hell…

  7. 360 for sure. Back then it felt like company’s made games because they were made to be fun and not made solely to churn out cash. Xbox one and Series X/S are great for modern games and graphics but 360 and original are objectively the good old days

  8. In terms of FPS Halo CE, 2, 3, Reach, Infinite (I love the classic yet modern design of Infinite)

  9. Mark VI gen 1 (part of a bundle I believe you can still get)

  10. I decided I’d watch it, I knew full well season 1 was bad from all the reviews and my own opinions from the trailer. I think the show had decent to good action sequences but god a majority of it was hard to watch from the Kwan Ha side story stuff to the portrayal of so many iconic characters or how they talk about Chief “the Chief I knew would’ve torn her limb from limb to get answers” and it’s like no the fuck he wouldn’t sure he’s a soldier but he’s not a torturer.

  11. Exactly. It's all about this "FOMO" philosophy that really doesn't work. FOMO controls the timeframe of purchases, but not the overall amount. For example, if it was still available, I'd buy the Mk V armor (I couldn't when it was listed).

  12. You can still buy it you just have to go onto the coatings or visor section and find viridescent ring or aurum evolved and it should say show in shop which will take you to the bundle

  13. Mate. Halo 5 has a horrendous story the multiplayer is a meh because it did “okay” it wasn’t great but it wasn’t awful. Take it or leave it it’s still my opinion not yours

  14. Plus bologna isn’t bad when you use it simultaneously with good ingredients. I take it as a compliment

  15. You’re better off getting the basic edition or premium. Deluxe doesn’t really give you anything that good and 10k gold is really easy to get even for new players. Ultimately it’s up to you

  16. Also since the premium comes with the plunder pass you’ll earn 1,000 ancient coins which you can use in the emporium (micro transaction shop) along with more gold, doubloons and cosmetics limited to the premium pass.

  17. Which one is A Fork in the Road?

  18. If you got footage of them shouting the N word over and over you could easily report them. We don’t/shouldn’t tolerate toxicity

  19. No, viridescent ring (Combat Evolved Mark V bundle 2,200 credits)

  20. Honestly I feel like some should return because they definitely added variety to the seas but I rarely see any year one cosmetics. In my 4.5 years of playing I’ve only seen one mercenary, one golden legendary and one original bone crusher set. I’ve seen quite a few hungering deep drums around but those were rereleased for its anniversary a while back.

  21. I’d use aurum evolved. From personal experience recreating Halo 2-3 Chief since no matter what lighting it looks solid gold like it does in Halo 2 and 3.

  22. There is a matchmaking system, the issue is that less experienced players are not playing hourglass enough to get matched.

  23. Fr, there’s no reward up to level 100 maybe if rare put in rewards from levels 10-90 and they were you know… good and worth getting people would play it more

  24. Other than titles and the figureheads (which hardly anyone uses). I did say good and worth grinding for as well, there are rewards past level 100 worth grinding for but none before level 100

  25. Halo 5. I remember all the trailers and the headhunter stuff and how all that looked you know… interesting and kinda cool. But then when the game came out it was missing features, the armor looked atrocious, the essentially pay to win req packs, the campaign was nothing like the promotional material and was downright awful but most importantly the game all around was shitty and still is.

  26. I have more time played, I did grinding through pvp. I beg to differ I’m better than these newbs

  27. Not to mention I too am a player with a controller and a console. So by you’re logic I’m just as good as a PS player except I’m WAY better because I have 5 years played and 3 years of PvP experience

  28. Well we have been quite a laughing stock for the past 4 years for obvious reasons ahem (senile old leader)

  29. You were an even bigger joke before Biden for obvuous reasons ahem (Agent orange - aka Cheeto Benito)

  30. Incorrect, we’re a bigger joke NOW. We at least had a competent leader. Sometimes I think liberals and woke people have infected America and the internet because they’re blind enough to ignore the truth and just let hell burn ever closer into our nation.

  31. Well RDR2 is 123 gb on Xbox series X and it’s not even next gen. With the amount of detail in that game in terms of graphics and rockstar plans to redefine next gen gaming with GTA 6 I think it’ll be around 150+ gb. Definitely not more than 200 gb

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