
  1. I currently have a human two year old and a Frenchie and can confirm that they are, in many ways, the same.

  2. They both mostly want the same things - food, sleep, security, entertainment, and love. Two-way communication is possible but can be difficult at times. Tantrums happen when they don’t get their way.

  3. We just did the Oh Crap method over a long weekend at 22 months (after showing all the signs of readiness) and it worked immediately. Personally I think it's confusing for them to go back and forth between diapers and potty training. Nobody I know who has taken the gradual approach has had a positive experience. It just ends up taking months or even years.

  4. Is “oh crap” basically just no clothing from waist down x a couple of days and then slowly add bottoms back in?

  5. Where did you get the pants?

  6. Wait…Australians watch FOX news?

  7. I’m a pharmacist and worked for a managed-care organization. I focus on problem solving medication access issues for members of the Medicaid line of business. My job is pretty great.

  8. Frank stole a plush polar bear puppet gifted to my (then) newborn son. It came with the book “On the Night You Were Born.” He claimed it as his own and four years later it’s still his favorite.

  9. UC. "I get this every year with my sinuses. I wanted to get ahead of it since it's only been 2 days. It usually needs 2 or 3 zpacks. "

  10. Ahh my Father-in-law…also uses Afrin TID yet continues to blame congestion on “sinus infection”

  11. My daughter just covers her eyes with her forearm and pretends she’s cannot hear you

  12. In my peer group it was pretty high. I’d say 80%? Mostly women who work in medicine/healthcare

  13. Frenchies think they’re people. How dare you leave yours with a bunch of animals

  14. How did you know he had a diaphragmatic hernia?

  15. He was clearly in pain. Something was definitely wrong. X ray showed “cloudiness” around his lung and and ultrasound confirmed his intestines and portion of liver were in his chest cavity

  16. I fly frequently with my dog. Get them used to the carrier way ahead of time. Ask your vet for something to help calm your dog. We use trazodone and sometimes gabapentin. Since we travel often she's pretty good, at most she might quietly wine but most flights no one even knows she's at my feet.

  17. My dude is 24 lbs and I feel like he’d never fit in the airline approved carriers. Tell me your ways!

  18. My toddler doesn’t really drink milk and she’s around 30th percentile for weight now and historically that’s been consistent for her. If/when she did drink more milk she just ate less solid food. My son (now 4) has always been sub-10th percentile for weight and about the same for height. He nurses until 16 months and wasn’t crazy about milk. After dropping it entirely his curve didn’t change. It’s just him and I’m confident he’ll consume enough calories to maintain his own personal needs for homeostasis. My only concern is his lack of calcium intake.

  19. It’s so hard. I had to do this 6 months ago and in the end it was for the best. If he went somewhere else he would’ve met the same fate eventually and his genetics did not need carried forward. He was a jerk but I was still fond of him. Your guy was a real beauty. I’m sorry 😞

  20. I know, I can’t believe he is risking his career and life like this

  21. If he reaches out for help he can come back from this career-wise much easier than if he gets caught. MUCH easier. If you’re in the US, states usually have their own treatment program for medical professionals. If he admits fault and seeks help then follows their process it will all be okay.

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