
  1. any other examples of graceful leave?

  2. Postajemo Rusija, samo bez te nafte pa da smo barem bogata država

  3. Thanks :) It was hard to watch for me too. Paul Rudd really did it perfectly. I always wonder how some actors can show stuff like that so well. I don’t know much about acting, but I think you’d have to have gone through it yourself, or at least something similar

  4. Kako su savage ovi komentatori na Eurosportu znači nisam imala pojma 💀

  5. Jbt . ne znam kad sam zadnji put gledao nešto na Eurosportu, uvek neki golf, snuker, biciklizam... a to ne volim nema naših 😁

  6. Nisam neki patriota i nije što je naša ali niko ne može da me ubedi da postoji lepša himna od naše.

  7. Ja sam 02 (sto spada u gen Z) imala sam identicno detinjstvo (s tim sto nisam kupovala cigarete majci, ali vecina mojih vrsnjaka jeste to radila, haha). Rekla bih i da je moje detinjstvo bilo prelazak iz jedne u drugu eru, niko od nas nije imao stabilan internet kad smo bili mali (tipa 2000ih) tacno se secam da smo svi isli kod druga ciji roditelji su bili imucni i koji je jedini imao malo bolji net i komp da bismo igrali igrice... Rekla bih da je u mom slucaju taj neki "bum" interneta bio ranih/na sredini 2010ih. Poenta je da je vecina nas znala sta je igranje napolju po par sati...

  8. I ja sam '02 i uvek se malo ugrizem za jezik kad me svrstaju u gen Z (što tehnički jesam) ali sam u duši uvek bila milenijalac jer nisam odrastala uz ekran nego napolju haha

  9. Imam 50484 filmova i serija na listi, to ume da pomogne.

  10. It's similar to the vowels in "men" and "bed", just prolongate them a little

  11. And when she turned down the Croatia gig because she “couldn’t be away from her kids” for what, 5 weeks? Apparently forgetting that she was originally supposed to be on tour with Shy Baldwin for 6 months?

  12. As someone living in a neighbouring country to Croatia, I was absolutely heart broken lol

  13. Basically when you think that you and the (content) creator have a relationship (not necessarily romantic) or when you think the creator is your friend, but in reality the relationship is one-sided and it's all inside your head. Hope this helps :)

  14. You should tweet this at Shift, he'll more likely see it there.

  15. Life of Brian? Dobar je Monty Show/Serija. Vrh Engleskog humora.

  16. Više mi se svideo onaj prvi, Holy Grail, ali oba su odlična!

  17. Mudraci redita, šta velite, da li je "društveno prihvatljivo" jesti i piti dok hodaš ulicom? Čula sam da je to nekulturno ali nije mi jasno zašto.

  18. Ja sam jela tokom većine srednje škole - kad mi se završe časovi svratim u pekaru i sa picetom u rukama dođem na autobusku stanicu (najlepše uspomene iz srednje iskreno :D).

  19. Gde ćeš bolji razlog za nerviranje od Evrovizije

  20. I just went down a rabbit hole at "wait, Serbia isn't a monarchy?!" then finding out Europe is full of random ex Royals who are monarchies to countries that no longer have monarchies 😂

  21. Sure we are, with our current president we might as well be a monarchy 🙃

  22. Hah, look at that. Thanks for reminding me and happy Tuesday!

  23. There's been a lot more horses this past year.

  24. WW1, WW2, Afganistan, a i trenutno aktuelni Bakhmut, Kharkiv, Donetsk

  25. I still dont get that 100k people are actually subscribed to that maniac

  26. Do you want to fight? There is no better content than what The Schwift provides.

  27. Amazing, he has to see this. You should tweet it at him

  28. Liked and retweeted! May your tweet be blessed by the eyes of His Shiftness.

  29. The HotD video no doubt. At the end of last week's episode finale stream he said that it'll take him a few weeks to make the "Explained" video because he wants to take his time and make a high quality video. And also rest.

  30. I’m hoping shifts laziness (hard /s)to produce videos will force people to migrate to schwift X’s channel and we’ll get that 100k sub surprise. Maybe he’ll reveal how many centuries old he is??

  31. Lol he ain't revealing shit, he's a super introverted and private guy.

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