
  1. Hey. I hear you. Hoping you can hang on until you really find your people. Also I was born and raised here in the US, and like expectations from here versus your parents are just so so different. And they are maybe working through all of that through you. Which is just completely unfair and I’m so sorry and you shouldn’t have to account for that

  2. I firmly believe that if he were to live to 27, he would have been a top 10 starting pitcher

  3. I'm afraid of Cutchcake being back in the starting lineup tomorrow lol

  4. Does it have the same issue with front page sorting? Like, does it just spit out random posts to you on every refresh, some being less than an hour old and with no votes or comments?

  5. Nope. Sorting is great. Blocking is not great. Polls are not great. Being ad free is pretty great.

  6. Well yeah, you have to sell cars to be a car company.

  7. I was just thinking “I could fuck up like that!” It’s a sad existence.

  8. This behavior always needs to be dealt with immediately, glad they’re doing the right thing.

  9. Thanks - corrected above … well, not so much corrected but explained what I read wrong

  10. Apple, just because you keep making random shit doesn’t mean people can actually afford it, or even want to

  11. Is this case really trying to accuse Trump of stealing an election by asking Pecker to write something in THE NATIONAL ENQUIRER? The national enquirer?  Not msn or fox or pbs or any magazine that is not a joke magazine? 

  12. Technically it’s just trying to establish that he knew the thing he says he didn’t know, by proving that he paid for it. And all of that particular thing centers around this piece of trash paper.

  13. Thank you! Since, my husband and I have talked extensively. He wasn’t prepared to have to protect me from myself and I can understand that. It was nice to hear him say that nothing I said made since so he knows that wasn’t me, that I wasn’t myself. I also explained to him my head is like a whiteboard full of thoughts, ideas, emotions, everything in my head is thrown at the board. The more that’s on the board the faster my mind goes to fill in the empty spaces. If I don’t clean things off the board there’s no room for more. I got to a point where it was completely covered but this time in sharpie instead of dry-erase and I couldn’t clear anything or add anything and there was no place for my thoughts to go. This was my best analogy for him. We created a scale so I could tell him how full my “white board” is. We agreed if it gets to 80% we would talk and he would just listen until I slowed down. We also agreed should I get to that point again I would go to the hospital. The last thing I would ever want is to put my loved ones through that. He noticed last week I pulled away, stop talking and sharing with him. I was on auto pilot. He assumed it was final wedding preparation, getting the house ready and just being busy. I also think finding out my mom has dementia when she arrived 2 days before the wedding just accelerated things. I appreciate your response and it’s nice to know I’m not alone though I wouldn’t wish this upon anyone.

  14. bullshit, literally everyone around him knew, and he was the states AG at the time

  15. the incompetence he’s admitting by trying to act like he doesn’t remember …

  16. So like at some point you have to realize you’re just embarrassing the sport, and you just shut up. 

  17. I love how he’s like “what ma?? you want some?? come get it! you know what’s up!!”

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