
  1. Salty. Maybe if clash mini had the player retention numbers you lot rave about it wouldn’t have been in beta hell for 2+ years.

  2. Obviously mini made some bad decisions, but sending a game global with barely any data with his 3 days of beta just tells they wanted to go global no matter what, not even royale and brawl had this little time, do you think squad busters will have the same explosive release that royale had 8 years ago? I don’t think so. They went from setting the bar too high to letting it pass whatever. Even the squad busters subreddit can tell the game is not ready.

  3. Since legendary wild cads are impossible to get, this is really solid and good

  4. If you see negative comments of the changes , those are evo firecracker users, just ignore them

  5. 10/10 it’s cool, problem is i would use a second account to trade the best evos with ice spirit evo, is Supercell cool with it? Definitely not

  6. Why ruining 8 years of balance around princess tower,it will change so many interactions with so many cards, just nerf the other towers

  7. Do we need a pity like gacha games? something like after 100 boxes a legendary is guaranteed, if you get it earlier it resets

  8. I still think a book of books (and even more)in exchange of 31 days ban and not having to play the game for a month was hella worth it

  9. 6 using guards, don’t sleep on them

  10. The best thing happened to the game since evolutions release and cycle dominance for the whole year(referring the dagger beach)

  11. It depends, you can’t upgrade towers but there are more EWC( 9 000 with 6 champs total), may be better

  12. They don’t want you to level up the towers, but it can actually be better, there are 2 legendaries to buy(a total of 9k EWC)

  13. If you pull troops in the middle just for a little bit the other dagger duchess will shoot 8 arrows extremely fast helping out a lot

  14. That’s not a cycle counter💀That’s the perfect tower for cycle decks☠️

  15. I feel scammed, spent the first 6 free shards on evo barbs

  16. The battle is really strong but people seem to forget it has the usual counters( log, ice spirit etc) that are everywhere and also you have to go through 2 terrible normal battle rams

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