
  1. I love shadowmeld in SoD but is it useful for retail? Outside of the increased stealth I guess?

  2. its overpowered in retail now due to being able to skip a shitton of mechanics with it. it should be changed imo cause of how strong it is rn

  3. Split into three then two get stuck on terrain or get feared and your damage lowers as you by yourself now do only 60% damage.

  4. there’s no way in hell they rework monk without fixing this ability, right?

  5. I'm gonna be honest, if we get dalaran for a third time as a capital, I'm gonna be happy.

  6. i won’t. more new content instead of recycling

  7. It's not. It's well documented that the jumping mechanics are messed up in the 2 and 3 remakes. 1 is the only of the 3 with correct mechanics. I don't know why they never fixed them.

  8. wasn’t remake of 1 screwed as well with oval shaped hitbox instead of square, meaning jumping on the ledge would result in slipping of?

  9. People ask for summons in keys over 20s despite having a literal portal to them by that point.

  10. people playing keys over 20 tend to push them with higher risk of failure meaning their portal is on CD

  11. They want WoW to be "competitive", or "e-sport" like instead of... fun. Everything is tuned towards high end content (high keys or mythic raiding, or 2400+ pvp) instead of the general audience.

  12. bro literally everything is viable at medium level content. heck, even mythic raid. you don’t need meta comp to push +25 or get cutting edge. 

  13. You gotta realize that the general public is fucking atrocious at this game - to be expected to carry their own weight is try hard level play. So imagine expecting them to play well? Jesus you’ve just asked to part the Red Sea.

  14. i do realize it, reddit and rather a majority of playerbase doesn’t understand how the game really works because they don’t bother and just play to keep having fun at the pace they’re comfortable with. the problem i have with these people is the fact that they continue discussing things they clearly are completely clueless about. 

  15. theres 8 years that i dont see a lee sin on my ranked games, never ever banned anything different, 1 or 2 times a year my friends ask me to not ban so they can play him on lane, but last time i played against one, was on aram or urf.

  16. i dont trust you. lee sin has been one of the most popular picks for years in league.

  17. Raczej nie jest, ale to jak chroniony jest model to inna sprawa. Quebonafide wypuścił swego czasu nutę Metallica 808 na którym było mocno inspirowane Metallica logo "taconafide" i ten teledysk spadł tylko, że Metallica jest znana ze swojego specyficznego podejścia do praw autorskich :)

  18. metallica 808 to taconafide :p

  19. Can you link the character stuck feature? I don’t know if it would work for my issue but would love to see. I have had my computer shut down or even just WOW and when I try to log back in it sometimes sYs my character is already logged in or just won’t log in. Sometimes this takes a couple days to finally be able to log into the character that happened on.

  20. https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/32275

  21. Looks sick, cant wait to focus target using capslock and hitting the main target 2-3times with mutilate using number 2 and then cheapshot the focus target with ctrl+4 when 5combo-points after the stun ends blind the focused target with ctrl+r (yes im a rogue)

  22. Clean solution after 6 years lol: open the SUF menu and on the left side it says „hide blizzard“; check „Hide player cast bar“ and you‘re good

  23. amount of loot is linked to lvl of key you play. its 2 till 20 and then it increases a chance of getting another item by each 2 keys for 20%, where at +30 you have 5 items guaranteed

  24. Posts the worst screenshot in the history of Doom 3.

  25. morchie from world of warcraft

  26. i was spending some money here and there throughout 10 years of me playing the game, however, the second they introduced this whole equipment and i had no time to grind one during some event and i was told i need to pay for it later i just uninstalled the game. there’s no coming back for me if i’m being put at a very huge disadvantage for not playing. building and hero levels are nothing compared to, especially since maxed village against maxed village is now not a matter of pure skill but also actual money or time spent. i can see people being discouraged from wars because of it. absolute braindead decision from supercell but well, as usual, greed. 

  27. This one's still my favorite. The balancing and maps were top notch and nothing has come close since

  28. for fucks sake are we seriously living in times that you can’t say one thing that was actually a fact that people with rose tainted glasses forgot because you’re automatically hating? 

  29. They all spawn in and so long as a member is out of Frenzy, they can switch control to another member like Twins with cellphones, leaving their former member idle. Frenzy CD is longer, but independent per member. Idle members do absolutely nothing to hinder Survivors, even stepping aside for a moment when anyone passes (no collision) because "it's not their turn", but their heads move to track nearby players.

  30. people don’t understand this table and it shows. dk is still trash, there is literally one single fight where dks are in top5 rankings. 

  31. It's not about users, it doesn't even pretend to be about what's best for users. It's about trying to give more business to EU companies.

  32. pretty much this. instead of EU being innovative and compete with their own solutions, they regulate everything. annoying

  33. how is 30% of worldwide market share a monopoly?

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