
  1. I reroll Dokkan every year because only the new units matter and I’m not paying for this game 🤷‍♂️

  2. For me? LR AGL Goku and Vegeta, the one from the Cooler movie.

  3. I don’t think they were ever top 10 if I’m being honest but I could be wrong.

  4. Good luck. Btw, u should cahnge crank on ur weapon. With balanced mot/tech scaling u get much better dmg.

  5. I actually figured that out myself not too long ago. Thanks for the advice.

  6. Bro, you folks that try to defend this game always sound so butthurt cause somebody truly sees that this game is flawed. It’s not a bad game but it’s very unbalanced. The enemies (even normal ones) after about chapter 7/8 do way too much damage and the bosses just become not fun to learn or fight. They just tried too hard (just like Elden ring) to be cinematic and flashy with all the boss fights that they forgot to add a fun factor into it. The game falls offf hard after chapter 8 and it shows.

  7. As usual, the "I'm toxic and proud" crowd comes out. Demoing strategically is one thing, doing it constantly makes you a douche.

  8. But literally just dodge the demos. If you are unable to dodge demos, that's a weakness in your play you need to improve.

  9. Dodging demos while looking for boosts, watching the ball, watching teammates, etc can get annoying, especially when it’s casual and you’re getting matched up with lil Timmy no thumbs on your team that barely knows how to play. I personally despise people that demo and make it my goal once they demo me to beat the shit out of their team and make them regret ever doing it. It’s a mechanic in the game, but a very annoying mechanic to deal with when there are so many others things you already have to pay attention to in rocket league. I personally don’t even care much anymore because I’ve started to not play rocket league but it’s definitely once of the reasons I don’t play much anymore. The game is just built around pissing you off whenever you just wanna relax and have a good time.

  10. Villain origin story. You’re gonna run into them again one day and they’re gonna kick your shit in.

  11. Yep. Idk why but embarrassing moments just make me turn stuff off. Even on meme videos when someone is doing something super cringe in public, I just turn it off.

  12. Never paid attention to leaks. I just stop playing the game when I’m bored and come back when something new is out. If it looks interesting, I play. If not, I don’t.

  13. Says the guy commenting on a Leaks Sub

  14. It came across my home feed. Never seen this sub until today. I’ll make sure to stay away since there are people like you in here though.

  15. Definitely isn’t truth but y’all sitting here believing it.

  16. Nothing wrong with that. He only needs to get hit once to get his def boost. He’s not gonna dodge 3-6 attacks in a row with that low dodge chance.

  17. You have bad taste if goresh is your favorite legends tuber lol, even raiyu is better

  18. Imagine saying someone has bad taste for an opinion. You need to read up on how opinions work.

  19. Legends try to not to release the same units as dokkan challenged (99% impossible)

  20. I mean… are using the most overpowered team in the game. Serves you right to some extent. Hopefully he gets his karma soon but I’m tired of seeing UGB and Ultra Rose being run together like they aren’t already annoying enough by themselves.

  21. LF Gotenks. My favorite character in all of dragon ball.

  22. He got offered some money to promote a game. Let him eat.

  23. Hey hey hey, remove STR Goten and Trunks from this list RIGHT NOW!

  24. I love them though. They’ve never gotten me killed.

  25. 11 Destroyed it with Int Namek Goku, PHY LR Bardock and AGL Lr Gohan putting in most of the works

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