
  1. I shoot 14.1 all the time as serious practice. When i play 8 or 9 ball it is a diversion and way more fun.

  2. I’ve been doing the opposite!! Playing 14.1 for fun… but now 9-ball against a lower rank in a CPA race feels completely pointless :/

  3. Thanks all for the advice. I think taking the summer session off and maybe just play the odd smaller/fun tournaments until I reignite the spark.

  4. They’ll go from best friends to mortal enemy step sisters! 😂

  5. In the audio he shouts “the south will rise again!”

  6. Oooh shoulda eased him into the smaller ones early on in year 1 and worked her way up by year 3

  7. My buddy’s basement has pharaoh ants and we routinely blast them off the wall with a torch lighter. These little bastards walk in lines up the wall and the power of the lighter usually blows them right off into the abyss. Sometimes they explode and stick, leaving a stern warning for the next group to come along.

  8. Increasing the tax will bring $3.3 billion over 4 years. <- their one and true reason. Meanwhile the black market will THRRIIIIVVVE. Prohibition didn’t work 100 years ago, why would it work in the modern internet era?? I hope he chokes on a cane toad

  9. Yeah and her argument late story is flimsy

  10. It’s one of those dumb skills that any homeless kid could learn with enough time

  11. You were obviously brought up in the American school system

  12. Black Mirror tackles this exact question of if a digital copy has a soul or truly exists. USS Callister is a fun episode around this question.

  13. This whole thing about the surgery sounds hokey. More likely op was just avoiding work and Audrey was calling her out

  14. You realize this isn't a news sub, right? You're literally going to a sub where people write about life drama in their own words, and then complaining when it's not all verifiable facts. How much sense does that make?

  15. And no one has ever lied, exaggerated or spun a story in their favour? Ludicrous 🤣

  16. This will probably get down voted just for asking, but how is he fascist? I don't know anything about him, except apparently he's right leaning.

  17. Young white kids invent their own BLM-style movements to feel important

  18. I think it is higher from Dark Matter club. Some people managed to jump from the highest floor and land on the ground.

  19. Ugh, unfortunately I cannot find any. I was able to find other jumps but not the one from Dark Matter club. I remember it was key to land on the street lamp as it was resetting the distance of the fall. Maybe you will be able to do this by yourself and find out this.

  20. Thx this was an honest accident and I thought maybe it was noteworthy. Never been an objective to land highest jump, just randomly landed it and was genuinely excited

  21. Thanks for the tips I don’t know if I’ll get the 20 intelligence one but since mine is already at 10 I can probably get it to 12 and make do with that one for now

  22. Yah body add points to body if you’re getting smashed. I find intelligence, body and technical to be the most useful overall for most styles.

  23. Oh damn I didn’t know about the stats boost from the gorilla arms, definitely buying a legendary one as soon as I can( just brought a regular one so I can get a sniper riffle) and I’m definitely interested in getting more used with quick hacking do you know how I can the the contagion thing I have heard about it but not sure if it’s a cyber ware or ability?

  24. Gotta install the best cyberdeck you can- highest ram buffer and slots. You then equip the skills in the slots like ping, overheat etc (there are some awesome ones I don’t want to spoil). Ping is a must bc it highlights all your enemies. Enter an area and breach protocol to do things like turn off cameras and lower ram cost- then you can use things like distract enemies, whistle etc to sneak around and get behind. Don’t need to spend many perk points in breach protocol category- just shutting off camera daemon, highlight access points and a little more time to complete the hacks maybe

  25. I am in same boat but with shall we say self stimulation(without porn). I have addictive tendencies paired with mental health issues means I was doing it for the 'buzz'. To the point now when I have had sexual contact I don't enjoy it and can't get 'off'. I call myself the sex addict that doesn't really have actual sex. I am only a few weeks into the long recovery process.

  26. The proper word for that is “incel”

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