
  1. just cried about 2 hours ago πŸ™ƒ i cry pretty easily, especially when im frustrated or overwhelmed, and life recently has been pretty stressful, so it’s been quite frequent

  2. as a gg stan and an rm stan this makes me sad :(

  3. Dang, it must be very challenging to be a lawyer and an INFP, I could relate. My future career is social work (currently a student), i try to put on a different face, that of an INTP, as social interactions drain me a lot, but it helps that my inner circle and family are very supportive (several are INFJs).

  4. also a fellow social work student! i’ve come to learn how important compartmentalizing can be especially with all the sad and hard things we are faced with in this field

  5. ohh that's such a fun idea! i've made personifications of the zodiac signs before for fun, but it would be cool to do one of mbti

  6. i believe mine are aries rising, aquarius sun, scorpio moon

  7. Genuine question no flame how much have you dropped on LA cause that's wild jump in ilevel. Either that or I'm just slow af lol.

  8. i spend money on skins, though i do buy the ark passes usually. i also just spend an unhealthy amount of time in this game haha

  9. I went from 0 supports to 3 supports and back down to 2. Definitely worth having just to get raids done, but as I’ve outfitted more characters with better gems and have less problems getting into raids, I’m just enjoying my DPS more overall. Bard got the boot out of the main 6. Artist and Pally just seem to do it better.

  10. bard is definitely my least favorite of the 3 haha i pretty much only raid with friends nowadays and most of them only play dps, so its nice that i can help them out with my sups

  11. Bev | Nova Isle | EST | Roscoe, Julian, Dora

  12. i will die for roscoe, he is my absolute fave

  13. Vinland saga, Bungo stray dogs, Attack on Titan, Haikyuu, Kaguya sama, Full metal Alchemist: brotherhood (and link click, it's not anime but you know, I love it)

  14. link click blew me away, 10/10 would recommend

  15. i have a dps main but am a sup main at heart so i have 3 1600+ sups in my roster. i actually enjoy playing on my sups more than on my dps characters but it definitely comes down to personal preference

  16. my entire brand is just red, pink, and white. i have a hyperfixation on strawberries, so that translated into this game as well πŸ˜‚

  17. that set is cute, but I am a bigger fan of the cute strawberry lolita-style dresses!

  18. i follow the instructions but still manage to make mistakes sometimes πŸ˜… i remember helping my roommate assemble her bed and somehow managed to screw things on backwards. twice.

  19. is that 6th picture in taiwan?

  20. winter camping, from the new skin package

  21. looking for requests too! id: 78kg4a63bp

  22. Yoasobi - Idol IVE - Either Way

  23. shapeshifter here too! but like why does it kinda describe the way i do anything πŸ₯² i tend to go through phases where im obsessed with something completely only to lose interest and move onto the next obsession

  24. Where do you live for it to be 16 degrees? Its 70 degrees where I live

  25. oh this is in celcius haha

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