
  1. 1 more! Well, as long as I can pass DAT430 😅 everyone always says it, but time really does fly! Keep on chugging along, I hope you’re proud of you for pursuing your dreams and bettering yourself!

  2. Are you taking dat430 next term? If so, so am i!

  3. Anyone know if these new salsa fresca lays are a rebranding of the pico de gallo lays?

  4. Anyone know if the new salsa fresca lays are a rebranding of the pico de gallo lays?

  5. I took this class last term. Yes, tutorials are outdated. I was lucky that my professor posted updated tutorials. Even then, I still had to email my professor about issues. I wish you luck. It was rough.

  6. I'm full time and and work 35 hours. My shifts are 5 days a week, 5am-1pm.

  7. It's technically metric fraud if it's not being staged in its final location (i.e if it doesn't actually stay on that cart before being dispensed)

  8. I'm in a bachelor's program for it/data analytics. I take 2 classes a week. For the more technical classes involving coding/writing? 10-20 hours a week. For less technical classes? 5-10 hours. All depends on your study methods, learning methods, and understanding of material

  9. North cal and graduating in August. I like online based learning.

  10. So uh... need any interns? Lol

  11. Yeah, this professor has been tearing just about everyone I've talked to apart. In my 4 years of college experience, I have never felt this hopeless about a class. Good luck with the final project, I am terrified about my final grade lol.

  12. I'm curious if you're in my class. I'm praying my grade doesn't take a hit after the project.

  13. I’m taking this class now and I find the course poorly put together. How were you able to get module 3 graded already? I’m expecting to get penalized for varying interpretations of the rubric.

  14. My professor might be grading it in the order of whoever turned it in first. I turned the assignments in on Thursday. I've taken other data analysis classes + dad220 and none of those classes were as annoying as dat375.

  15. That's extremely kind. I'd use it on groceries

  16. I changed from computer science to information technology with a concentration in data analytics

  17. Coach has to give you access. A lot of people who do exceptions have it

  18. Doesn’t have to be a coach. I’m just a regular associate and can add people through the gif app

  19. Our store is different then. Not even the TL can do that

  20. Most walmarts had too many leftover squish after the holidays so anything without a set "home" or "feature" got clearanced

  21. I don’t think it’s off of the exceptions pick list (yet) - I think I had locations on mine this morning.

  22. It's off the exceptions list in my store. ca

  23. I reached out to 24/7 drop in tutoring, they couldn't help. Does anyone out here have a current tutorial for relinking public Ip in ec2 to wordpress?

  24. Does this help at all? I'm not sure If this is the same situation

  25. How nice. My favorite animal is a cat. I just really like cats. I would use the money on groceries.

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